Chapter :- 1(Story of Vampire boy)

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This is the story of Vampire and angle girl love story.

So let's start.

Once upon a time this incident held in the Doncaster of London. The battle between two vampire teams. I don't know that going from that way is my biggest mistake of my days.

This way is announced by The Crew of Devil. They suddenly attacked on my family colon family. And now u think that how am I make vampire .
This is the reason behind it.
When that war held on I just pass from that way I finished my tuition choching and return home. I'm a parentless boy I'm that boy who known by the name of cian colon.
For proof that the crew of devil win a girl is bit me on my neck. Because they know that colon 's family don't like to kill human being.
So when charlae know that I'm in trouble he stopped the war right now because my condition is very critical.
And after that they run from their.
Colon's took full responsibility of mine. Because I'm a orphan so Mr. And Mrs. Colon decided to adopt me.
Colon family is very rich and in the family all people are well settled that's why in my whole life I don't worry about anything but I don't know why but I miss my past I have all happiness of this world but as a vampire it's all crush.
By the time I forget all the pain inside and focus on my life.
Days pass ,Month pass, years pass
Now I'm 21yrs adult youth. When my human body transmitted in Vampire then I'm 17yrs old.
And I pass out from High school .
And now it's time to go in college.
I'm little bit worried about that
About people, about syllabus, about teacher everything that thing I share with my mom and dad.
Parents :-What happen cian everything is fine u look so upset.
Cian :- yaa I just worried about the college.
Parents :-Ohh so that's why you are upset .
Cian:- Yaa
Esmi :-Don't worry about that you are a smart boy and intelligent don't think about that okay.
Cian :-Okay mom.
I going to study in oxward university of UK.
And I start study in university and focus on my destiny.
In the college I complete my 5Months.
And I don't know that after that 5Month my life is going to change.

See you in next page

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