ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ‼️‼️No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any forms or buy any means electronic , or mechanically including photocopying, Recording or any by any information storage and retrieval without permission in written from the publisher.
Everything in this story is made up of my imagination , including the plot and the characters. This story cannot be rewritten without my consent.
Honestly don't care how you get inspired or how you feel about the book don't copy my shit without giving me my credit or I don't know simply just ASKING ME. I put time and lots of effort into these books.
For mature content only this book includes sexual content that may be explicit for kids under the age of 15.
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
Let's get into the book enjoy ! feel free to comment your opinion I honestly don't care about your negative comments cause the hating ones be broke and ugly 😂😘!
50 Shades of Dark clouds
Random~ It's Amour's storm Santana's just passing through it , but then again it's Santana's Rain that caused Amour's storm. Will they ever see the sun shine again? 50 shades of Dark clouds : read a few chapters promise you won't be disappointed. Comple...