Chapter 1; A Rough Introduction.

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"Okay, okay! No need to keep nagging at me!" John said in an annoyed tone to his father, Henry Laurens. "You better not be going on a date with that Lafayette!" Henry yelled. 

"Dad, he's NOT my boyfriend! Not every male friend I have is my boyfriend!" John responded angrily. 

"That's what you said last time. With that Hamilton guy." Henry growled.

John sighed, and put on his jacket, and walked out of the house and slammed the door. 

He had been dating Alexander Hamilton back in high school, but his father found out, and made John promise not to speak to him again. And John hadn't spoken to Hamilton since they broke up. He still kinda missed Alex, but he knew it was just a random high school boyfriend, and he should move on. 

He yawned, and began walking to a coffee shop. He hadn't been to this coffee shop before, but he heard that their coffee was really good. And he was feeling tired, so two birds with one stone right?

He swung open the shop door. It smelled nice in the shop. Like gingerbread. He smiled at the smell. It was almost Christmas, so Laurens was honestly just in a happy mood. He was usually happy around this time.

It wasn't too busy in the shop. There were a few people inside. It was just enough people. It wasn't empty and awkward, but it also wasn't crowded and full. It was perfect. 

John happily walked to the counter, and frowned. Nobody was at the counter. He rang the bell at the counter to try and get someone to take his order. A second later, the back door swung open. A small man stepped out of the door. Laurens quickly noticed how tired this man looked. He had dark circles under his eyes, and he looked rather skinny. John then noticed.. This man looked like the boy he had dated back in high school. "Alexander?" John asked, tilting his head. 

The man looked up at him as he walked to the counter. He scanned John's face. "Oh.. John Laurens." He smiled slightly. "Uh.. nice to see you again." He mumbled. 

John then frowned. "You.. work here? I thought you would've went to college to be a lawyer. Not.. this." John said bluntly, then regretted it. God damn it! That sounds rude-- UGH-- 

Hamilton looked a bit embarrassed, and ashamed. "Um.. Yeah. I didn't think I'd be here either. At a coffee shop.. But uh.. That's how it ended up." He said coldly, obviously a bit hurt at John's words.

"Sorry- I didn't phrase that correctly-- Um.." John fidgeted awkwardly. "I'm sorry." He said. 

"It's fine." Alexander sighed. "What do you want to order?"

John laughed awkwardly. "A Ristretto, please." He smiled. 

"Okay." Alexander glared slightly at him, and walked into the back room to make his coffee. Laurens facepalmed. "God damn it, Laurens.. Why would you go and say that.." He muttered. 

A few minutes later, Alexander walked back out, and handed out the coffee to Laurens. "Thank you." 

Alexander didn't respond, he just angrily left into the back room.

Laurens frowned, and just walked to a table. He sat at a table alone.


Alexander sighed. "I'm going on break!" He called to his other coworkers, and just went to the break room. He sat down on the couch, and pulled his knees up to his chest, and sighed, and shut his eyes. 

Back in high school, Hamilton had been planning on being a lawyer, and going to college. But then his mother had passed away, and all the debt she had was transferred to Alexander. He couldn't afford college, and had to begin working on paying off all her debt, then get the money for college. He was still working on paying off his debt. He was working at this coffee shop, and a hotel as a night auditor. He would go to the coffee shop around 7 AM, work until 4 PM, go home, get some rest, then go to work at the hotel from 9 PM until 5 AM. He got around 5 hours of sleep a day, and sometimes even less than that. He didn't have time to go out with friends. It was a rough schedule, but it would be worth it when he could finally go to college. 


Laurens felt really bad for what he said to Hamilton. He sighed, and got up after he finished his coffee. He threw his coffee cup into the trash. He began to walk to the counter again, but then stopped. 

I don't want to bother him.. He seems angry.. 

He sighed, and turned away and left the shop. 

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