Chapter 2; A kind act.

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It was the next day. 

John sat on his bed, and looked out the window. He leaned against it, gazing at the gentle white snow falling onto the ground. He felt so bad for Alexander. For hurting his feelings, and the fact that Alexander never got to be a lawyer. Back in high school, when they were dating, Alexander always would talk about how much he wanted to be a lawyer. John sighed. But hes not. He probably didn't have enough money to be one. And he looks so tired too..

John stood up, and walked out of his room. He walked out into the living room, and turned to see his father laid on the couch, passed out, beer cans and bottles surrounding him. John grimaced, and turned away from his father. He used to feel so bad for his father. Beg him to stop drinking and pay attention to him and his siblings.

But John didn't try to help his father anymore. He resented Henry, in a way. He only ever told people he loved his father because he was raised to tell people he loved Henry. He was raised to respect Henry as well. He never loved Henry, not anymore. He never physically hurt John, it was always emotional shit with Henry. He blamed John for his brothers death, and would constantly twist John's words to use it against him. John shot a glare at Henry. He was raised to respect the monster he was to call his father. But his respect for Henry dwindled every day. 

How can you respect a man who can't even take care of himself?

John grabbed his coat off the coat hanger, put it on, and left the house. He walked down the sidewalk, snow falling gently into his curly brown hair. He looked up at the sky, snow falling on his face. He let out a deep sigh, and kept walking. He noticed the coffee shop that Alexander worked at. He bit his lip, before turning away and walking to a nearby corner store. He walked in, and walked down the aisle, towards a little fridge with drinks in it. He grabbed an energy drink out of the fridge. He then grabbed a small bag of chips, then went to go pay for it. "Will that be all?" The cashier said. John nodded, and handed the cashier his money, took the drink and chips, and left. He walked back to the coffee shop, holding the bag which held the chips and drink. 

He opened the door and walked in. He saw Alex, standing at the counter, taking someone else's order. He stood behind the other person in line, and watched as the tired looking Alexander handed him his drink, and the person walked off. John stepped up. Alexander looked surprised. "John? What're you doing back here?" Alexander frowned. "Here. You looked really tired and skinny yesterday, so I got you a drink and some chips." John smiled widely, handing out the bag to Alex. Alex took the bag gingerly. "Why'd you get me this?" Alexander looked touched. "I thought you needed it." John leaned over the counter, and pat Alex on the head. "Do you want my number? I'd like to keep in touch with you!" John smiled, and pulled out his phone. "Sure.." Alex mumbled tiredly, but he looked happy. They exchanged phone numbers, and then John started towards the exit. "I'll text you later, Alex! I'm glad we're back in touch!" John was about to leave when Alexander called to him, "Hey John!" 

John turned around. Alex smiled at him from the counter. "Thank you."

John felt a warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach. 

"No problem, Alex." 

𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚃𝚘𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚠 𝙶𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚋𝚢𝚎. ~Lams Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now