Chapter # 5

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Author's P.O.V.

It was the day, the day both of them never wanted to have, the wedding day. It was supposed to be a simple wedding, void of any emotion. Jimin was ready and pacing back and forth in his room whilst Taehyung, his best man, was sitting on his bed.

"Dude, you're pacing as if it's actually a wedding. You're doing it just for the company's sake no need to be nervous, alright?", Taehyung said while raising both of his eyebrows.

Jimin gave him a blank look and said,"I'm not nervous alright? It's just that I want all of this shit to end already." Taehyung chuckled at his best friend's behavior.

"Calm down Chim, all of this will end soon. You just gotta be a bit patient that's all." Taehyung said as if being patient was very easy for Jimin.

Jimin rolled his eyes and checked his watch for the nth time. "When are we supposed to leave for the church?",He asked clearly annoyed with all this marriage thingy.

On cue his father called him and with that they all left to the church.

Y/n's Focus:

This is it, you thought and checked yourself in the full length mirror one last time.

You texted Taehyung if they already left to which he said they'll be there in a few minutes.

You were getting nervous by the each passing second but you calmed yourself.
Just as you were about to stand your brother came in, a beautiful smile adorning his face.

"You look beautiful", Jongin smiled at you and you returned the same sweet smile.
"Where's Rowoon? I thought he was already here." You muttered.

"He's outside waiting for Taehyung and the rest, they'll be here any minute now." He said while checking his watch. You nodded and set your veil.

You started pacing back and forth. Jongin noticed that you were getting slightly nervous so he embraced you," Everything's gonna be alright, I'm right here." He said softly.

After a few minutes the door opened and Taehyung entered," My, my, my... Someone's looking extremely beautiful." He smiled and took your hand and kissed the top of your hand and winked at you.

"Yahh Kim Taehyung!!!", You laughed at his behaviour.

Ten minutes later your father came to take you. You inhaled a deep breath and linked your arm with him and left the room.


Everyone stood up once you entered the church, Jimin was standing at the altar with a blank face. You walked down the aisle with your father and once you reached the altar he gave your hand to Jimin.

Jimin took your hand and once everyone was settled again he let go of your hand and the priest begin.

"Do you Kim Y/n, take Park Jimin to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

You inhaled sharply.

"I do."

"Do you Park Jimin, take Kim Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

Both exchanged rings and the hall erupted with applause.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The priest said.

Jimin came closer towards you and simply pecked your lips and pulled apart instantly.

Everyone cheered and clapped while you had a small smile and Jimin had a blank look on your faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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