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I heard little snores come from Y/n. It was honestly so cute, I went to the sun bed. And picked up our towels, and empty pizza box. I went inside, and threw the box away, then took Y/n to her room. I placed her on her bed, and covered her with a blanket. It was hard getting out of her grip, but I somehow managed to. I saw she was shivering, so I went to Alex and Kouvr's room. I knocked and the door quickly opened.
Kouvr:oh hey, what's up Nick?
Nick:I was just wondering if you could like, change Y into her pj's. I would've but, I haven't seen her naked yet.
She chuckled, and nodded walking past me. I looked at Alex, and he was busy with the cat. He also had a camera on, so I decided to go sit next to him.
Alex pointed the camera at me.
Alex:why are you up so late? And where's Kouvr?
Nick:I asked her to go change Y into her pj's, cause I didn't wanna seem rude.
Alex:you know I'm putting that in.
He laughed, as my eyes widened. But I started laughing with him.
Alex:I respect ya dude.
He dapped me up. (I cringed so bad writing that, idk why tho)


I was done changing Y/n, and surprisingly she slept through that. Baha, she fell off the bed while I was changing her too😭 I almost died, BUT SHE SLEPT THROUGH IT!! Like bruh, tf? I wanna sleep like that, Alex keeps kicking me in his sleep. But whateva, I went back to Alex and I's room. I saw the boys passed out on the bed, I chuckled and went over to Nick's side. I shook his shoulder a bit, and earned a tired groan from him.
Kouvr:go sleep in your bed.
He rolled over and cuddled Alex, and to my surprise Alex cuddled back. I heard footsteps outside our door, I looked up and saw Y. She looked and me rubbing her eyes, she was about to say something, but I quickly stopped her and pointed to the boys. She placed her hand on her mouth, trying not to laugh.
Y:Ima ruin this.
Kouvr:wait! I gotta film it.
We whispered to each other, I pulled out my phone and started recording. I filmed the boys, and then turned the camera to Y. She looked like she was about to jump on them, when the car walked in front of her and she tripped. I was trying so hard not to laugh, but failed. I looked over and saw the boys moving around.
Alex:what are you laughing?
Nick:and what was that thud?
I couldn't breathe, so I just pointed at Y, who was now cussing out the cat.
Y:you fucken bitch, I fell because of you. You mother fucker, I will beat yo ass rn. Come at me lil pussy.
As she said that, Stormy shot her head up, and ran to Y.
She started running around, throwing everything over in our room. All of us were laughing our asses off, as Y was running for her life. Alex grabbing his camera and started recording, Y then tan out if the room, Stormy still chasing her.


I was just sleeping, when I heard screaming. I sat up, and heard a girl screaming loud, running past my room. It was faided, then a scream, then gon. Guessing she was running up and down. I decided to look at what was happening, so I stood up and opened my door. I saw Y running as the cat chased her. I started laughing, and went to where Alex, Kouvr, and Nick now was, looking at her holding their stomachs from the laugter.


I was sitting on my bed, binge watching OMB when I heard loud foot steps from outside. I opened my door and saw Y running, towards me. I stepped inside, and closed the door. Then I heard a loud thud on my door. I rushed over there, and saw Y laying on the floor, holding her head.


I was staying the night at the hype house, and things were weird. I wanted to check out what all the ruffes is about, so I went to where the yelling was coming from. Then I heard a loud thud, which scared the fuck outta me, so I yelled and ran into Alex. I fell then look up, and saw everyone either laughing, or rubbing their eyes. I looked over and saw Kouvr about to pee her pants. I laughed, which caused her to laugh more and run to the bathroom. But I heard screaming from a girl again.
Larri:nah, bitch I ain't doing no horror movie. Tell me this is a prank rn.
Alex:it's not, it's just Y getting chased by the cat.

Best friends - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now