Chapter 21

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Aoi pov

Shiromi put her hand on my face and rubbed her thumb against my cheek, that had tears streaming down.

"don't worry" shiromi said, but suddenly went limp in my embrace. I cried and held her tight.

"w-why" I whimpered, looking down at shiromi's face.

(OK but like.. In the game imagine how absolutely devastating it would be for ayano to kill one of the student Council, the rest of them would be so sad. And thats the reason I don't watch people play yandere simulator anymore, it makes me sad seeing them killing people, expecially the student Council)

Then I heard giggling, and looked up to see ayano looking at me with her lifeless eyes. That suddenly turned full of laughter, and my arms started to shake, not because of me but because of shiromi.

Shiromi started laughing and got up from my arms. "you seriously didn't notice there was no deep cut in my stomach?" shiromi said pointing to her stomach, and I looked down. All I saw was blood on her shirt. No cuts.

I felt ashamed but relived. And I looked into shiromi eyes, I had stopped crying now.

"DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" I yelled clenching her shoulders. She looked at me with calm eyes. "I wont do it again" she said, smiling. Then putting her arms out for a hug.

And ayano was there smiling like a geek. Clearly shipping it.

I put my hand onto shiromi's head and pushed her head back. Shiromi whined.

"your not getting anything after what you just fucking pulled! I should kill you for real!" I said, I removed my hand from her head. "oh and now your shirt is bloody, looks like you hit your period and it somehow went onto your stomach" I said quickly.

Shiromi made the face of "oh shit" before looking down at her shirt. And shrugging. "meh, doesn't matter"

I sighed angrily and walked back into the building, "I seriously won't do it again." shiromi said, trying to convince me that she wouldn't.

"yeah I already know that! I just didn't like that you did it in the first place!" I said, clearly pissed. "well I now know you do care for me~" she said sweetly.

And that only made me more triggered, so I grabbed her scarf, the front bit. And shoved it into her mouth. She make a muffled sound before coughing out her scarf.

"hmm..tastes nice" she said putting her finger on her chin. I rolled my eye and walked faster.

Akane pov

I was patrolling around and saw ayano with a bloody knife, shiromi had told me about the prank they planned to pull on aoi.

"so how did it go?" i say cheery. And ayano looked at me and giggled "perfect, she fell for it. She got upset that shiromi 'died'" ayano quotted the 'died' part.

I smiled and looked at her "well I hope aoi hasn't killed shiromi for real yet." and ayano just nodded before we parted ways.

'aoi is definitely getting her revenge, hopefully shiromi can deal with it' I prayed in my head.

Shiromi pov

'I didn't do anything that bad' I thought to myself. And before I knew it I was following aoi into the bathrooms.

"aoi these are the bathrooms do you need the toilet or-" I was about to finish my sentence but aoi dragged me into a stool and caught my words in my neck.

"a little warning next time?" I say smiling, and she just stared at me blankly. She grabbed my scarf and slowly removed it, making it brush against my neck. I twitched at the sensation.

She lifted it to her nose and smelt it. "first off, it smells nice, second off, I'm going to get my revenge." she said smiling evily. Before looking at my neck and putting the scarf back around my neck. Making me clench my teeth slightly.

"I'm guessing your neck is sensitive?" aoi smirked.

'oh god'

"yep! You got it right." I said, still smiling and no hint of worry. "well, we're doing to see how this will turn out" aoi said with excitement trailing in her voice.

I got curious,"what are you planning, ryugoku?" I said curiously. "let me remind you that curiosity killed the cat." reminded aoi. She opened the stool door and exited the bathroom.

As soon as I exited I got a call from my phone.

I looked at it and sighed. It was from my brother. 'what does he want?' I thought. I answered the call and aoi listened.

"yes brother?" I asked, and I heard muffled sounds and angry deep voices from the other end. "dad isn't happy, like.. At all happy." he replied, with uncertainty. Most likely uncertain if he should be calling shiromi.

Aoi raised an eyebrow. "what do you mean.. Unhappy?" i asked. And i heard something shatter through the other end, and my brothers scare voice filled through.
"he's drunk! A-an just blabbering on about things!" he frightenly replyed.

(he's at home because he skipped school)

"shiromi I'm going to the store! There ain't no way I'm staying in here with that crazy drunk!" he said, and I could hear the keys rattle and the front door open and close, before hearing the wind houl through the phone. "bye shiromi!" he said. Endind the call.

'now aoi's gonna question this..' I sighed. And I closed the phone before seeing aoi looking down at me. Because I'm shorter.
"what was that about yoshi?" she asked me.

I pushed her away gently, yet playfully. "nothing. Just... Nothing" I said smiling.
Then continued walking, but aoi persisted. "that sounded way more than just nothing, you sure your not telling me anything shiro?" she asked, sounding concerned.

I laughed and nodded, "it's fine".

*time skip brought to you by, I hope I scared you last chapter but I probs didn't yay*

Its the end of the school day, and I start walking out. I get shocked as I feel a hand on my shoulder. "shorty" I hear aoi's voice, that calmed me down instantly.

"tommorow is 'dress in your normal clothes day' okay? I don't want you looking like the fucking idiot of the bunch." aoi said harshly.

'damn, rude much' I thought but I let it slide. "I won't forget, I definitely won't." I say positively.

We walked together most the way, talking about random things, before we had to part. I missed her presence after that, it was nice having someone around. Someone who can actually put up with me.

I walked home, and as soon as I entered inside, it has a alcohol smell. And i gagged at it. I saw a smashed family photo of us all together in a picture frame. And empty bottles scattered around.

'and just before this place was clean.' I thought to myself, not too bothered. Since I was used to this. I saw my father on the couch drunk. He's had another bad day. So i snuck up the stairs as quietly as I could and went to my room.

I took of my clothes in the speed of light and put some shorts on that were military camo. And i put a shirt on, I didnt care what I wore as long as I could be able to leave this place not looking like I just killed someone.

I took my phone, some money and then walked into the hallway and jumped out the window in the hallway. I didnt get hurt, thank god. So i decided to go find my brother at the store.

I ran as quickly as I could and finally reached it. I saw my brother next to the entrance, and jumped him. "BOO!"

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