Chapter 2

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"Tell me what you think" I tell him after going back to wiping the counters and sweeping around me.

Harry takes a sip out of the plastic cup and grimaces slightly. I didn't make it as hot as I would usually like it, so I don't know if his reaction is out of surprise or disgust. After hiding a laugh from his response, I ask if he'd like something else, knowing this drink isn't for everyone.

"No, it's good, I like it, thank you. How much is it?" he answers.

"Oh, all the drinks are free, don't worry about it". I give him another smile, continuing to clean around me. Normalcy, these are my days.

Harry gives a shocked look towards me but shrugs it off before eyeing the tip jar I recently redesigned. Two plastic cups sit side by side, one labeled "Grease?", the other, "Rocky Horror Picture Show?". After pulling a ten dollar bill out of his wallet, Harry places it, quite aggressively, into the cup for Rocky Horror Picture Show.

"Tim Curry, classic. No questions about it. Thanks for the drink, I'll see you around Arin".

I wave goodbye to Harry Styles as he turns his back to me as I only now start to think about everything that just happened. I'm a fan, of course, who isn't? I can only imagine the looks I made while mixing his drink. Overall, I think I stayed calm, which is more than I can say how I feel now. A few minutes later Asher walks over and leans over the bar. I start making his go-to afternoon drink, a whiskey sour. I swear this man drinks more than I do and he surely has a more important job than I. Asher and I had gotten close over the months I've worked here, and that's why his immediate comment does not phase me.

"Dallas is getting on my last fucking nerve and if she asks me one more time if she can have the fourth of July weekend off I am going to walk out of this building forever". Dallas was a sweet girl but has obviously never been told 'no' in her life. She's Asher's assistant and it seems like everyday it's something new with them.

"Well this might cheer you up, guess who I just made a coffee for?" I ask while placing his drink next to him with a napkin underneath. He shrugs without even trying to guess.

"You ruin my fun. For your information, I made my special coffee for none other than Harry Styles".

Asher almost spits out his drink as I stand back with a smug look on my face.

"Oh my god, I love that man".

"I know, that's why I'm telling you".

"Was this your first time meeting him? I didn't even know he was coming in today; did he say who he was meeting with?" Asher rallies out as he pulls out his phone to check the office schedule.

"You know he did not share his itinerary with me, unfortunately. And yes, first time. I don't think he's even been in New York since I started working here" I respond. This is all exciting, but I'm still dying to try and leave early today. I walk to the far side of my stand and grab the bucket and mop out of the closet.

"So, Asher. Now that I've given you this great news what do you think of me leaving early today?" I glance down at my watch, 1:30. Something about watching a pot of water, I think.

"While this was a great chat, I need you to stay your full time today. Some execs are coming in around 4pm and they'll want drinks. I think that's why Harry's in today, even though he's not on the sched- "

Asher is cut off by Dallas approaching the bar. I don't really have any issues with her. If she didn't annoy Asher too much I actually think they would be good friends.

"Hey Dallas, can I get you something to drink?"

"Oh, that's okay! I have my water so I'm good" she smiles as she holds up her HydroFlask. I nod and turn back around to put the mop and bucket back into the closet. No need to clean up if I'm not leaving for another three hours. When I return, Asher and Dallas are back in his office. I finish my drink with a small wince, not realizing how strong I had made it. I'm already tired, so I go to make myself a quick espresso shot to make it rest of the day.

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