I just want to say something

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Just want to say that this discussing why I  don't like alt dbx endings comment section on the Rooster Teeth app and the fact that even voting style still will be mad

Also if this page layout looks weird, I typed this on my PS4

I just  want  to point  out that even a majority votes dbx style, we still get butthurt fanboys(talking about on the rooster Teeth  app) saying  things like Shantae winning is the only canon they accept (talking  about  rt app users) or, "funny the *canon* ending  is a first membership  only .

Look I understand if you don't like/agree with a fights outcome(espicially if it's  a death battle) but come on, it just seems like a lot of viewers can accept a result even if voted by fans

I will say the alternate  ending death for shovel knight was way better, just like for  Mulan vs Lucina

I assume that death battle think certain characters will win the poll but they acctually end up losing the voting polls which is why 2 of the alternate endings are better

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