Elliana x Hannah

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Requested by Rifka12345

Elliana's POV 

My name is Elliana Martin and everyone calls me Ellie and I'm 13 years old and my best styles of dance are acro and ballet and my worst style of dance is tap.

(This is me) 

My only best friend and crush on the team is Hannah and my only enemy is Brady

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My only best friend and crush on the team is Hannah and my only enemy is Brady.

It's week 2 and we were all in the den having a break from rehearsing the group dance this week, I'm jealous of Brady because of all the attention that he gets from Miss Abby. 

I was eating my lunch during the break since it's lunch time and I see Brady talking to Hannah and I get jealous, I have a big crush on Hannah because Hannah is sweet and kind to me. 

We then heard the moms arguing about Brady and I realise Brady runs into the bathroom and I get an idea. 

I walk into the bathroom and I find Brady crying by the sinks since I'm so jealous that Brady is talking to Hannah, I walk up to Brady and I start beating him up, I then said to him "Your fat, ugly, untalented and a useless dancer on the team" Brady then said to me "Ellie, please stop" He says this over and over begging for me to stop but I just keep hitting him. When Brady passes ou, I left the bathroom. 

Time skip to competition day...

I noticed Brady was quiet while we got ready for the group dance because he wasn't talking a lot, I then noticed his arms were bleeding and they were fresh cuts, I knew in that moment what Brady was doing, he was cutting himself because of me beating him up and all the nasty words that I said about him. 

I then noticed something was sticking out of Brady's bag and it was a sharp blade, nobody else could see it but I can. I then said to Miss Abby "Excuse me, Miss Abby, I have to use the restroom" "Go ahead but don't be long" I nodded and as soon as I am out of the dressing room, I run down the hallway to the bathroom. 

I stare at myself in the mirror and I cry for a few minutes until somebody came into the bathroom.

Hannah's POV 

I went into the bathroom to find Elliana since we are still getting ready for the group dance, I then said to her "Ellie, are you okay?" "No, Hannah, I messed up" "What do you mean?" "I hurt Brady" "Oh Ellie" I said to her as I hugged her before she said to me "I beat Brady up because I was jealous that he always hung out with you and I have a big crush on you and now Brady is hurting himself because of me" 

We then stopped hugging and I stare at her before she said "What?, are you mad at me?" I then lifted her up onto the bathroom counter since she's smaller then me and I kissed her, we then stopped kissing and I said to her "Everything's going to be okay and I like you too and the reason  that I hung out with Brady more was because I was asking him tips on how to get you to be my girlfriend" We then kissed again and I clean up Ellie's makeup and I fix it for her before we went back to the dressing room.

Elliana's POV 

After the group performance...

We were grabbing drinks after the group performance and I noticed Brady was by himself not talking to any of the girls, I then walked up to him and I said to him "Can I talk to you?" He nodded and I said to him "I'm sorry about what I said to you and what I did to you, I was jealous that Hannah was hanging out with you more then me, I'm so sorry, can we be friends again?" "Yeah, I forgive you and I can see that you and Hannah are now dating too, congrats, you two deserve each other" "Thanks Brady" 

After the competition...

We get on the bus after we won again this week and Hannah and I sat down next to each other and we went to sleep holding hands on the bus as the bus takes us back to Pittsburgh. 

The end

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