project iv.

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Project iv. ❝using pointillism, draw one of your darkest secrets❞

"What's the special occasion, Lou?" Zayn inquired, peering into their foggy bathroom. The room was fairly large, with a giant tub and double sinks. The steam from the filling bathtub clouded up the air, leaving moisture streaks on the mirror over the sinks.

Louis bent over the tub's edge, pouring in a bottle of lavender soap. He stirred it around with his hands, watching as the liquid began to transform into a layer of suds. He was only in his boxers with his lazy Saturday clothes tossed carelessly on the tiled floor.

"No occasion. I just wanted to run a bath, is all," Louis said innocently.

Zayn nodded at that. "It's just- you've been so cuddly lately."

"Is there something wrong with that?"

"No," Zayn clarified. He reached out and grabbed Louis's tiny waist, pulling him in close. "I like it when you're cuddly. It shows how much you love me."

"I do love you," Louis promised, both to himself and to Zayn.

"I love you more."

Louis hummed happily. He hooked his fingers under the hem of Zayn's tank top. He lifted it up slowly, throwing it on the floor next to his own clothes. His eyes raked over his fiance's chiseled chest, and the multiple tattoos that decorated it. His skin was like a work of art.

"I like this one," Louis commented, thumbing over his lipstick stain tattoo. It sat in the center beneath his collarbones, surrounded by two angel wings. He slowly leaned in and kissed it, placing his own lips on top of the inked ones.

Zayn bit his lip, heart beating faster. "Babe, you-"

"Now how about that bath, yeah?" he interrupted. He scampered over to the side of the tub, slipping his boxers down to his ankles. He stepped out of them, purposely wiggling his bum for the other lad. He settled into the tub and spread his legs, letting out a gentle sigh.

Zayn's throat bobbed. "Lou-"

"Aren't you coming?" Louis teased, leaning back comfortably. "The water's fine."

He rolled his eyes and shed his own clothes, and then settled in between Louis's awaiting legs. He instantly felt a rush of relaxation, from the heated water, to the good smelling bubbles, to Louis's warm legs caressing him closely. He leaned back against Louis's chest, smiling.

Louis was breathless. Every part of Zayn was beautiful, from his hair to his tiny toes, which fiddled with the hot water knob. He mindlessly switched it on and off, filling the bath with more heat and comfort.

"Want me to wash your hair?" Louis asked, almost rhetorically.

Zayn absolutely loved Louis touching his hair- whether it be hair tugging, scalp massages, or simply washing. So he didn't really have to reply. Louis just grabbed the detachable shower head and washed out Zayn's hair, snickering as his quiff turned into a raven black mop. He noticed how long his hair really was, without all that product holding it up. It nearly reached down to his shoulders. Something about that made Louis's stomach sizzle.

He uncapped the shampoo bottle and poured some into his hand. The then lathered the translucent blue liquid into Zayn's hair, scrubbing his scalp thoroughly. Zayn made little sighs of content, closing his eyes.

Louis then washed out the shampoo and added some conditioner. He let it set for a bit and grabbed Zayn's hand in his own, attracting his attention.

"You're not wearing your ring," he noted aloud.

Zayn hummed. "Didn't want it to fall out in the bath," he admitted.

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