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POV Kat-

My older brother, my younger sister and I sat quite silently at the long dining table. It was the one time father requested us to be on our best behaviour, so that was what we were going to do. The rest of the time he let us do whatever we wished, wherever we wished until whenever we wished. As far as royal life goes we had it good. Our parents had been alive since the beginning of earth and we’d been alive for half of that. So we are quite old, but immortal. Nothing could kill us except the blade of a silver sword to the heart. Not a silver bullet or dagger, no, it had to be a sword and it had to be to the heart. That was all that could kill us. My parents chatted to the rest of our family happily. Our cousins and aunts and uncles answered back. They were all older than us, at least three lifetimes older, so even though my siblings and I were old, we still were the babies of the family, which was rather disappointing. Instead of joining in we only spoke when spoken to and sat with perfect posture. We all ruled a section of land each, the royal families of the world all one big family. Forever. Or so we thought. At the end of the night everyone went home. My brother looked as though he was eighteen, I looked as though I was barely fourteen and our little sister appeared to be just about seven years old. Though we were much older than that. And whence everyone was gone we went to bed. The next morning my father received news of our American cousins and their parents had been killed.  Mother tried to coat it in sugar be we were too old for all that. Next it was Australia, and then it was Africa. It seemed they were aiming for the larger countries first. We had news that some of us had escaped, which was good, but it was younger ones, so we doubted they had long. Even though mother tried to say we weren’t on their list I knew when we were the only ones left they were coming for us. The magic in my veins turned to ice with fear, and sorrow. Our loved ones dead. All that knowledge lost. And soon we were to be lost. If our subjects heard word of this they would be terribly worried. After all we were all they knew. We were the ones that protected them, we’ve been ruling them since time began. And they loved us for it.

“Mistress Katharina?” My maid asked as she dressed me a few weeks later.

“Yes Madeline?” I asked.

“Is it true people are trying to assassinate your family? And that you are the only ones left?” She asked worriedly.

“Yes.” I answered.

“I most certainly hope you are okay, miss.” She told me.

“As do I Maddie.” I replied.

Madeline smiled sadly and curtsied before backing out. Sighing I began my lessons, even though father and mother let us be free we still had to have lots of knowledge. As well as school lessons I had fighting, dancing, weaponry and others. It was things I had to know, like manners, how to behave at parties and in front of young men, how to dress myself and sewing etc. So if the time came I was alone I would know exactly what to do, and how to look after myself. After my school lessons I had dance. My teacher was a man and if I was reading him right he quite had a crush on me. So I never missed a chance to flirt, he was sixteen and quite good looking and every time I flirted he went scarlet which made me giggle but in a ladylike way. He was also my fight teacher and it was always good fun beating him, just because he went easy on me because I was a young lady and a princess. After my dance and fighting lessons I had what I liked to call ‘lady lessons’ with my mother, she covered everything to being a lady. And then I had my other lessons on survival with father. Not that I didn’t know everything, they were just making sure I knew it all. Once my lessons were done for the day I could do whatever I pleased and I always quite enjoyed riding, so I put on my gear and went out with my brother Caleb. He calls me Kat and I call him Cal for short and we call little Lilith Lil. But that’s irrelevant. We saddled our horses and went for a ride.

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