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NO Spamming, please be patient when waiting for a reply. I will reply in my own time since I'm always easily distracted and since I'm so unmotivated.
If I haven't responded in three days, then you may tag me.

So no "(hello?)" "(:3)" "(are you still there?)" before three days, okay?

If you spam me, I will give you a warning. If you keep spamming me, I'll kick you out the roleplay. You can not join again. I hate to come off as someone whose rude, but I just absolutely despise spamming. You guys understand right?

Deleting your comment and retyping it also counts as spam. And messaging me in pms or on my message board before three days counts as spam as well.

PLEASE be descriptive in your form and during the roleplay. If you respond with one liners I will not reply to you. Heres some examples on what to do and what not to do;


Matt nervously rubbed the back of his neck. He was sweating and his face was flushed. He'd never felt so... vulnerable and anxious before. Did [insert random name] really make him feel this way? He had to do something about this. It was set, he would confess next Friday.


Matt chuckled as he sat down. "So how are you?"

If you respond with short sentences, I will ask you to make them longer. If I do not see improvement/its not to my satisfactory I will give you one more chance. If nothing changes our roleplay will be on hold. I won't kick you, I'll give you time to come up with a longer reply. I understand if you are tired or if the situation is really dull at the moment and none of us can come up with good replies.

I also don't allow roleplaying like this:

Matt: *sits down and smiles*

I'll be honest, I have a tendency to let roleplays go dull. I'm not perfect, none of us are. So talk to me! If the roleplay is dull/uninteresting we can share ideas on how to make it better/interesting again. Don't be afraid to talk to me!

No Mary/Gary sues! Meaning to perfect characters. We all have flaws. They can have powers, just don't make them op. No "She's super strong and no one can kill her! she's unstoppable! Everyone loves her and she's super talented and amazing!" please,, its very annoying.

Like rule three, not a rule but a statement. I have an oc too, and I would like for her to he included in the roleplay. It's optional though, so no pressure 💕

VERY IMPORTANT! Grell Sutcliff is TRANS. SHE is a WOMAN. Please do not join this roleplay if you are going to refer to Grell as a man and roleplay her as a man. Grell is one of my oc's crushes, and it hurts me to see her referred to her as a man. If you come on my page and act transphobic towards Grell you will be kicked and blocked. We do not tolerate transphobia around here.
If you're just finding out Grell is trans and accept that 100% then you're fine! You're just learning and thats okay. If you mess up a few times and refer to Grell as a male then thats okay, but don't purposely refer to her as a male the entire time.
Add a 🌻 to the other emoji you will be commenting if you understand that Grell is a woman and will treat her as such.

And finally, no smut, it just makes me uncomfortable. If something leads up to that we'll skip over it.

Comment a 💘 if you've read my rules an agree to follow them to the best of your ability!

Have fun!! Hope you enjoy roleplaying!

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