English lesson pt 2 🍑

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It was lunch time and like every day he walked his way to his boyfriend's classroom. They had been dating for 6 months now , and they were both so happy, a month ago Jungkook even moved in with Tae.
He slightly knocked on the door.
"Come in" He lightly called. Jungkook walked in shutting the door behind him. Tae looked up to see a face with two big doe eyes looking at him and a wide bunny smile spread across his mouth.
"Hey angel" Tae smiled back, he signaled for the younger to come over which Jungkook complied to. He wadddled over and plopped himself on the teachers lap.
"How was your lesson?" Tae asked moving a piece of hair tucking it under the younger's dainty ear.
"Boring" Jungkook lips formed into a pout.
"Don't pout baby, you have me next!" Tae said making the other smile.
"Hm my favourite teacher." Jungkook smirked before pulling him into a heated kiss. Tae placed his hands on the younger's petite hip and caressed them. Making a chill run up Jungkook's body making a moan escape his mouth. Tae took his chance and slid his tongue in tasting every cavern of the younger's sweet intoxicating mouth. Jungkook slowly trailed his hands down the teachers broad chest and made his way down to Tae's lower region. Jungkook snuck his hand underneath Tae's trousers and into his pants. He wrapped his cold small hands around the elders large member which made Tae moan against the younger's lip.
"Fuck baby" Tae moaned quietly before leaning back into his chair with pleasure.
Jungkook rapidly pumped the elders member.
"Ahh c-close baby"
Seconds later Tae released all over the younger's hands. Jungkook smirked as he pulled his hand out of the elder pants and seductively brought his hand to his own mouth licking off the elders cum. Tae watched the younger surprised at what he was doing. Jungkook finishes by licking his lips.
"Damn baby, you were so good!" Jungkook leant against Tae's chest and whispered in his ear.
"Only for my daddy"
He pulled back and looked at the lusty eyes in front of him.
"If only I could take you here and now. But bell is about to ring!"
Tae leant in and kissed Jungkook, which he gladly responded to. They pulled away and Jungkook reached over to the desk and took a tissue from the box. Jungkook quickly cleaned his boyfriends mess up and wriggled off Tae's lap to put the tissues in the bin.


Jungkook ran over and kissed Tae on the lips before going over to his seat as students start to enter.
"Afternoon class" Mr Kim yelled.
"Text books out, sorry it's a lot of text book work but it's just practice, next lesson we will do something else I promise!" There were a few groans shared around the classroom but not a lot.
Jungkook watched as the sluts, whoops I mean girls, drawled over Mr Kim. Yes Mr Kim is the hottest teacher ever, so he has a lot of admirers!
"Mr Kim?" Jennie called out with a huge smirk displayed on her face, you'd be blind if you couldn't see it.
"Yes Jennie?" Tae sighed before walking over knowing what was about to happen. Jungkook sternly fixed his gaze on the scene in front.
"I'm stuck on this question?" She points out.
"Your stuck on question 1?" Tae rolled his eyes as it was literally just copying out definitions.
"Yes, please help me" she fluttered her eyes and pushed out her chest, trying to get Tae's FULL attention, which had already disappeared a while ago.
"Well, it is very tricky to copy out the definition isn't it! If your finding it that hard, maybe you should go down a set so your more comfortable." Tae folded his arms looking at her embarrassed face. Jungkook chuckled a bit before getting back to his work.
"No I'm fine Mr Kim"
"Good now get back to work!" Tae yelled before walking back to his desk.

Time passed and it was nearing to the end.
"Aish finally done!" Jungkook said with relief.
"Your done!" Jimin yelled a little loudly.
"Let me copy pleaseee, I'll give you a banana milk Monday!"
"Deal" Jungkook laughed before turning his book so Jimin could copy.
"Yah Jungcock, let me copy!" Suho called from behind him, Jungkook turned around and looked at him.
"N-no Suho do it yourself" Jungkook faced the front again.
Next thing he knew he felt a pain travel up his back. Suho had just kicked his chair harshly.
"Ow why did you do that!" Jungkook said I'm pain.
"Yah what did you do to kook?!" Jimin was about to beat him up but Jungkook held his wrist to stop him.
Suho smirked before letting out a yell. Jungkook eyes widened at what he said next.
"Mr Kim Jungkook tried copying me and I said no so he slapped me!"
Jungkook's eyes started to well up as he watched Tae walk over. He prayed that Tae didn't believe that lying brat.
"Suho why are you lying?" Mr Kim angrily looked at him.
"Sir he slapped me!"
"Your wrong, you kicked his chair and plus you asked him to copy. He has finished you've barley even started. After school detention next Tuesday for lying and hurting a student." Tae growled.


"Pack away and leave, have a good weekend!" Tae shouted before walking back to his desk.
Jungkook packed away slowly and said goodbye to Jimin. Once the last person was out the door, he quickly shut it and ran to Tae. He sat on the elders lap and cried into his shoulder.
"Shhh it's okay baby" Tae whispered in the younger's ear.
"It h-hurts" Jungkook sobbed.
"Can you turn around quickly so I can see darling?"
Jungkook slowly nodded and did as he said. Tae gently lifted up Jungkook's top and held it to where his shoulder blades were. He saw two grazes and a red mark from where the chair had dug into his skin.
"You have a few grazes, we can put some cream on them when we get home."
"Okay" Jungkook shakily sighed.
"Good boy, lets go home" Tae pecked his forehead.

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