The Game of Life

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Chaper 1 Charlie's point of view

"Ring. Ring. Ring. RING. RING!!!!!" The phone seemed to get louder and lounder as I rolled over to grab it. The phone was blinking Nohami, my girlfriends name. I rubbed a hand over my eyes and answered.

"Charlie, morning" Her voice sounded cheerfully as she was already up for the day.

"Hey" my voice sounded groggy and sleepy so I cleared it.

"Did you just wake up!" She sighed on the other end. "Charlie!....Anyway," She started Her voice changing from chasifiying to cheerful once again. "It's almost time for sunday brunch" Shit. She was right.

"Do we have to go?" I tried to keep the whining note out of my voice, but I was pretty sure it leaked through anyway.

"Yes! My parents are going this time's your chance to woo them" I groaned and leaned my head against the back board, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Alright. Alright" I said sitting up in the bed.

"I'll pick you up at 11:30. Please, be ready. Please." She promptly hung up and I threw my phone down. It was 11:00 already. I looked over at my heavily sleeping friend on the couch. Grayson. We went way back and he now lived with me. For parental reasons.

I slipped out of bed trying to be quite. Unfortunantly I wasn't quiet enough. Damn.

"Chalie what are you doing up?" He said reaching for his own phone, as he grabbed it a few poker chips fell onto the floor. I shuffed  over to the kitchen, still not fully awake.I unwrapping the seran wrap from the chocolate cake.

"Brunch. With Nohami's parents" He Chuckled and walked over to me, So I could see he only had one sock on. He had on a white button up shirt on which was wrinkled and half way undone. His black hair was disheavled and stood out against his tanned skin. 

"Sucks for you" Grayson ripped off a peice of cake with his hand and ate it. I rolled my eyes at him and cut a peice of cake taking a few bites.

" Whatever. I need to take a shower" Grayson promptly sniffed the air an made a big show of grabbing his nose and said in an overly squeeky voice:

"Yeah you do" He shoed me into the bathroom. Sunday brunch was something that most everyone attended. It was basically to show off your money and good looks, it used to be a great place to pick up women until I got with Nohami. Since I started dating Nohami I had to leave some of my old habits behind. It was senior year starting tommorrow, and I needed to figure who I was going to be when I left behind high school for college.

Like I said I was leaving behind old habits, except one. The secret circle. It was an eliet high school club with 8 members from each grade year. The old seniors look at the new ones and pick a leader. I was that leader. It was a great honor and I would be the best they had. I was determined. The first thing you have to do as leaer is make a welcome back week full of activities. The first day was leaving your mark on the school. I had that covered. 

My head buzzed as I grabbed the towle off the rack and got dressed. I still hadn't told Grayson about the secret circle thing. He was a member and I hoped he would be happy. I dressed in slacks and a white button down shirt which I tucked into my pants. I slicked back my hair and fastened my gold watch. This was only the proper attier to wear to such and event. As I walked out of my room I say grayson sitting on the couch ressed in a suit with a maroon shirt under it. "Ready?" He asked.

" What? You can't go. You know Nohami-"

"Doesn't like me. Yeah yeah I know" He finished, rolling his eyes as if to show he most deffinantly didn't care. "I'm not going for you guys Im going to pick up someone hot" He rolled his eyes and stood up.

I sighed. Grayson and I could never agree. Maybe that's why we were such good friends. " Hey dude guess what..." I started my eyes lighting up again "I am the new leader of the secret circle"

His mouth dropped open as a smirk spread across my face. "No way in Hell" He grinned "Does Nohami know?"

My smirk dropped. "No. Not yet.. She should be happy that I was part of something big" I Hoped anyway. I shrugged as the door bell rang.

"speaking of the devil " I heard Grayson mutter, I held back a laugh as I pulled open the door. Nohami looked stunning in her black and gold dress with her golden hair around her shoulders. I leaned forward to kiss her.

"Ready?" She said cheerfully

"Yep" Grayson said rounding the corner. Nohami's smile dropped like it was on fire.

"Oh great he's coming" She looked away. And I rubbed my hand down her arm.

"He'll leave us alone"

"Why would I want to hang around you" He made a gagging sound as I walked out the door putting my arm around her shoulder. I gave a bac ward glace, and with my free hand gave him a thumbs up for that dig. We all piled in my limo that I could never be seen without.

"My parents are kind of....they have high expectations so just behave please" Nohami said looking worried. I frowned.

"Yes master" When we arrived, The room was littered with people pileing their plates with food. Grayson wandered off to no doubt find someone more entertaining.

"You must be the man who my daughter has fellen for" I wiped around to look at a man who looked about to be 30. His hair was slightly graying and a women who looked like an older version of Nohami was under his arm.The real Nohami blushed. I took his hand.

"Why yes I am" I said with a smug smile on my lips.He nodded.

"We'll be over there. Why don't you go get some food" I nodded and took Nohami's hand.

"I think he likes you" Nohami said squeezing my hand, seeming over all pleased with me.

"Why do you say that" I raised an eyebrow. She laughed.

"Usually he makes a joke about my boyfriend being the meal" I rested my chin on her head, a frown settleing on my face. So she had over protective parents. I sighed mentally. 

" I didn't need to know that" She laughed and looked up to me, and I got lost in her sparkling eyes.

She bit her lip "I love you" Her words were a whisper but I heard them clearly.

There was a brief moment of hesitation on my end. "I love you too" 

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