Chapter 9

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I pouted. Oh believe me, I pouted. I pulled a regular sassy teenage troll attitude. I came down to breakfast in my cult dress. The cape and hood still had bright olive stains from the episode of me losing my hearing. But I didn't mind and even grinned at it sadistically. Yes, I told myself, I've given even more of myself to Kurloz. Perfect.

They could hear the clacking of my shoes and I tried to make it as loud as it would without stomping. I sat at the table and grabbed some of the breakfast nonchalantly. All eating stopped as they looked at me with a look of questioning. I smiled sweetly and started to eat.

"I'm going out today for the first time since the accident." I said slowly. I looked up for someone to ask where. "Where d9 y9u think y9u're g9ing?" Kankri asked. I smiled and took a bite out of the bagel I had made. "To the church." Mom blinked. "There's a sermon today?" I shook my head in a 'nope, guess again' way. "Y9u're g9ing t9 the cult." Kankri realized. Nepeta squeaked in surprise. I nodded. "I'm going to visit Kurloz." I declared. They glared at me and I smiled sweetly as I skipped merrily to the door.

I walked directly to the church and walked in. Service was already about 15 minutes in, and everyone turned to look at me. The Grand Highblood stopped preaching. I knew everyone noticed the blood on the sides of the hood. I had done my face paint myself and walked up to the Capricorn. "Sir, there has been some complications. But I am still firm in my beliefs and would like to be accepted into the church once more." I said loudly. I really hope I didn't say it too loudly. Kurloz stared at me. No one said a word (at least I think not).

Then Gamzee decided to stand up and pat me on the back. "CoMe On! JoIn ThE cHuRcH cAtSiS!" He said as he pulled me over to where Kurloz was sitting. The Grand Highblood nodded. I smiled widely. I had been accepted in the church.

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