Behold this Ham

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Angie has started a chatroom.

Angie: And eat jam

Y/N has joined.

Y/N: Hi angie!

Y/N: Wait who were you talking to


Angie: Yes yes! Lord Atua bestowed the knowledge of the technology upon me through their loyal messenger, sweet Chihiro.

Y/N: Im super proud but im kind of scared

Angie: Don't be!

Rantarou has joined the chat.

Rantarou: Hey, whats up

Angie: lord atua

Rantarou: I see

Y/N: heya, thanks for helping us take down Kokichi a few days ago

Rantarou: ah, yes, you're very welcome

Y/N: is that sarcasm

Rantarou: How do you know?

Y/N: as they say, takes one to know one

Angie: and as Lord Atua say, eliminate all existing students and sacrifice their blood to the holy heavens

Rantarou: Well that's certainly interesting

Rantarou: Did Lord Atua say anything else?

Y/N: Rantarou no,

Y/N: Stop it im getting dejavu

Rantarou: ???

Angie: My lord also said something! They said you're next, you fuck.

Shuichi have joined the chat.

Shuichi: did... did i join at the wrong time?

Kyoko have joined the chat.

Kyoko have left the chat.

Y/N: Angie gone mad

Rantarou: Isnt she always kind off mad

Shuichi: true, but this feels weird

Shuichi: Wait, who screamed just now?

Y/N: scream?

Rantarou: Um, yeah, a scream

Rantarou: Are you not in the building?

Y/N: no I am

Y/N: Why do I feel a sudden chil

Shuichi: Another scream?? That? Sounds very much like... Gonta...

Rantarou: I hear that as well. What is going on

Shuichi: Angie is unusual quiet

Rantarou: So is Y/N

Shuichi: I'm going to check it out

Angie: Initiating database gathering. Executing order 222, protect Lord Atua at all costs.

Angie: 3 Enemies eliminated.

Rantarou: Excuse me what the fuck

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