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Raina's Pov

New York, Manhattan|Christine Waters High Rises|8:07pm

I'm goanna kill myself.

This is the only sentence I can possibly think of as I sit bundled up on the sofa with my fist under my chin starring hopelessly at the crumbled pieces of paper scattered all over the living room floor.

Okay maybe that's a little extreme but I had completely nothing and never in the history of the 2 years I've been going to the fashion institute of technology have I had, nothing.

Last week my professor announced we'd be working on a new assignment that would take up the duration of the year to complete. She also said after fully examining each finished product she'd choose who would have the opportunity to compete for a chance to design with the one and only Tracy Reese who happens to be one of my favorite fashion designers. Winning this competition could be a once in a lifetime opportunity to put my career on the map.

So yes, this is a big deal and definitely the wrong time to have nothing.

Sighing one last time, I lifted myself off the couch and headed to the kitchen. "Just what I need." I mumbled noticing the green bottle of wine on the counter. I rarely ever drink due to my family's well known history of alcohol addicts, but I figure I owe myself just this one drink. After pouring the beverage in my glass I walked towards the glamorous gigantic window wall with my wine in hand.

It's so beautiful...

...the lights.

Ever since I was a little girl I've been fascinated with the city, the people, the giant buildings, the taxis, the annoying yet beautiful sound of the sirens you hear every 15 minutes, the subway, and of course my favorite part. The city night lights.

I turned the switch next to the window off, immediately smiling as the gleam of the lights reflected on my face along with the furniture. I could see the snowflakes falling from the puffy clouds, hundreds, thousands, descending downwards. The little girl, maybe seven or eight? begging her mother to go into the newly built Christmas toy store across the street, the Christmas tree lighting happening a few blocks away, the woman arguing with a police officer in front of my building, the incredibly insane traff-


I look back over to the front of my building and within seconds I pick up who the woman is as she places her grocery bags down and points her finger in the officer's face. "Aww hell, Niya."

Running over to the counter I first place my glass down then head to the coat rack to grab and through my coat and shoes on before heading out of the door. My neighbors probably thought I was a maniac by the way I was dashing through the halls. "Come on, come on, come on." I whispered to myself as I repeatedly pressed the main floor button waiting Impatiently for the elevator to open. Finally the doors pushed out to their respective sides and I was met with multiple clerks from the front desk and other residents looking outside from the transparent doors.

Great, I thought to myself.

I pushed and shoved past them before making it to the damsel in distress. A stream of curse words flew out of her mouth as she stepped closer to him. The officer was set in position to smack her across the face, "Aniya, stop!"

"Why?" she said through clenched teeth not looking at me once. "Because you will go to jail." I reasoned while she scoffed in response, "When have I ever been worried about that?" I stuffed my mitten covered hands in my coat pockets as I began to walk down the dirty slushed steps. She was right. I could have come up with a better reason that would suit her character but, its cold and I'm tired so, I have no time for her shenanigans, not today.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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