Ch 1

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To be honest, she'd never heard a voice so beautiful in her life. The quiet thrum of a guitar accompanied it, played softly as if it didn't want to be heard- as if it was some secret that needed to be kept.

Y/n held her breath.

She hadn't meant to stand there in the doorway for so long.
She hadn't meant to walk in on her classmate, who appeared to be in a vulnerable state as they seemed comfortable enough to sing in this empty classroom after school hours.

The quiet guitar notes came to an abrupt stop, as did the voice. A chair screeched violently as the owner of the voice stood quickly.

"W-What do you want?!" They shouted, embarrassed.

"I-I Just...came to...drop off some papers." Y/n stated, awestruck.

"Y-yeah." They said awkwardly as they walked towards the door, the side of their guitar bumping into y/n's thigh as they walked quickly out of the room.

Y/n stood still in the empty room for a moment before shifting the papers in her arms.
She walked to the empty teachers desk and set them down.

Kyoka Jiro...
Y/n should have known her own classmate's name, but in the moment her mind had gone blank.
She'd seen the girl in the entrance exam...her quirk was pretty impressive. Earphone jack...that's what it was called right?
Y/n sighed as she walked down the empty school hall.

'I should've stayed hidden...then I could've heard more..." she thought as she replayed the sound of Kyoka's voice in her mind.
'So that part of her quirk? No... I think that's just all her....' y/n's thoughts continued as she walked home.

A cool breeze blew as her shoes tapped on the concrete beneath her. Any remaining heat from the daylight rose from the ground as the sun began to set. Y/n closed the small gate in front of her house before walking to the front door.

"How was school?" Her dad asked, his eyes concentrated on the computer in front of him as he worked at the table in their living room.

"It was good." Y/n spoke softly in a happy tone as she walked to her bedroom.
She set her bag down and walked to lay down on her bed. The soft blankets brushed against her legs as she turned to look out her window.

Y/n softly hummed the tune that Kyoka had been singing, though, it was nowhere near as good as it had been when Kyoka's voice had sung it.

She closed her eyes.

The quiet chiming of the wind chime out front drifted in through her window as well as the quiet thrum of distant cars.
She heard a plane pass overhead and she smiled as she continued to hum the same notes that were now stuck in her head.

Had Kyoka made that song herself?
Y/n hadn't heard the song anywhere before.
It was pretty, and for all she knew...

She wanted to hear it again.

"I'll see you later!" Y/n waved her dad goodbye as she slipped her shoes on and headed out the door with her backpack slung over her shoulder.
Last night she'd had the strangest dream.
The tune from Kyoka's song played in piano notes and her whole class seemed to be at a...formal ball?
Y/n laughed softly as she thought about how ridiculous that sounded. I mean....Bakugo? Acting formal? She laughed a little louder.

Y/n gazed up at the large UA building as she neared. The early sunlight glinted on the glass windows as students walked through the gate.
The air had a bit of a cool breeze to it as the sun had just started to warm everything.
Y/n walked down the halls full of chattering
students, weaving her way around a few groups of kids who were laughing boisterously.
She slid the 1-A door open and walked into the quieter room. A few people had congregated there. Kaminari and Kirishima laughed along at something on their phones as Mina jabbered on about something to Sero.

Y/n smiled to herself as she took her seat near the back. She was seated in between Sato and Todoroki, though, only Todoroki was there that early in the morning.
'Sato must be with his friends.' Y/n thought absentmindedly as she got out her pencil.
The 1-A door slid open again and y/n brought her eyes to the front of the room to the door out of habit.

Jiro made eye contact with her before quickly adverting her eyes and walking to her seat quickly, sitting down beside Kaminari, who was turned around in his chair and still laughing with Kirishima.
Y/n tilted her head curiously as she watched the girl for a moment.
'Oh...she must still be embarrassed about what happened yesterday...' y/n nodded to herself as she doodled on a piece of paper.
'I should talk to her, get to know her! Maybe we can be friends." Y/n smiled down at the paper.

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