After Class (Harin)

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"This is so detailed, Y/N. You really worked your butt off for this." Y/F/N asked while inspecting every angle of the model of your school that you and your groupmates made. Your friend helped you carry it on the way to school since it was way too big for you to carry alone.

"I don't have any other choice. You know that my groupmates are useless. I have to do most of the work or else we won't pass." You sighed and laid your back on your chair while looking at the model you made with all your blood, sweat and tears. You made sure everything was in the right place before the last period.

"You got so unlucky with this task. You even have Harin in your group. That guy's good at nothing but destroying things. And the other member's sick everytime."

Your eyes landed on Harin who was chatting with his friends while leaning on the windows. His sharp eyes slanted whenever he smiled or laughed. He looked scary and intimidating when he's alone but he looked easygoing whenever he was with his friends.

"I'll just tell the teacher. Or maybe not. I don't know. Honesty, I like working on my own and I don't care as long as I pass."

"Tch. Of course, you'll say that. You can do almost anything that's why you wouldn't need anybody else's help. I'm sure you'll get a perfect score. When did you not get one, anyway?"

Your friend kept showering you with compliments you couldn't care less about. You were just worried of keeping the project away from some of your crazy classmates who acted like kings of a jungle.

"Settle down, now." The teacher came and it took a while for him to settle his own students but when they finally did, the class started with the presentation of the projects and you were the last group to present.

After a few minutes, it was your group's turn. "Y/N, I'll carry it."

You were surprised that Harin volunteered to carry it so you didn't complain and just let him do it. Maybe he felt bad for contributing nothing to this major project.

"Careful. Don't drop it."

He took the opposite sides of the base and lifted it effortlessly.

"They'll get a perfect score for sure."

"Y/N's groups always get the highest scores in class."

"Yeah. Doesn't matter who her groupmates are. They will always get high scores."

"She does everything on her own. She's everyone's favorite teammate coz the rest of the members get to slack off all they want and still get good grades."

While Harin was climbing the platform, the expected happened.

He tripped.

In a second, the model of the school you made for days was on the floor, broken into pieces. The class let out a surprised gasp while all of the eyes were glued to the broken pieces on the ground.

The buildings were detached from the base. The trees and flowers didn't look like trees and flowers. People's heads and arms were all over the place, too.

You exhaled and tried to calm yourself. There's no point pointing fingers. It won't put the pieces back together.

How about my grades? I've been getting perfect scores without fail. Will I get lesser points today? If we present now, the points would be deducted because of the quality of the work. If we perform tomorrow after fixing the model, we'd still get lower points because of punctuality. What are our choices?

You raised your head and looked at Harin and his guilty expression.

"Y/N, Harin." The teacher called your names so you turned your head to him. "What are you gonna do about that?" He asked, irritated.

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