Chapter 6: Chris the Fun Cousin

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The Apartment Above Lux
Hope's Point of View

"So who are we looking for next," I asked with a small smile.

"Jeez, it's like looking at a young Niki. It's quite unnerving to be honest. Well, I suppose we should look for Elliot, the posh twit. He's probably the only one who could convince Nick or Francis to help. He's always been that way. The ever so noble peace keeper of this freak show," said Chris taking another shot.

He's really like how Uncle Kol use to be before he married Aunt Davina at least from what I've heard. Chris doesn't seem to like our cousins which makes me kind of upset. I mean I can understand that there's history, but blood is blood. Hopefully, he's not as heartless as Uncle Kol use to be if that's even the right word. Knowing this family's luck, it's doubtful.

"Won't we need his blood or something to track him? He's not Klaus' son, so we can't use his blood," said Aunt Freya.

"Nope. Not necessary. Dearest Cousin Elli always makes sure we know where he is if we ever need him. Always sends us a postcard every Christmas. Honestly, who does that besides white suburban moms named Karen," replied Chris.

"Sounds like if Elijah had his memory back," jokes Uncle Kol.

"Oh Shut it Kol," said Mom glaring at Uncle Kol. That doesn't surprise me. Mom is in love with Uncle Elijah or at least she use to be. I don't really know anymore at this point. She's seeing this dude named Declan who works in a restaurant. I keep telling her he looks like Sebastian from that show Reign, but she keeps denying the resemblance. It's uncanny though.

"Well, you know what they say like father like son," replied Chris taking another shot. Is he an alcoholic? And how does he keep getting more shots? I swear he hasn't touched the bottle to refill it.

"Wait what," said Mom crossing her arms in front of her.

"Oh come off it Hayley. Of course Elijah has a child. Were you not paying attention to the story earlier?" said Aunt Davina.

"Ok, if we're being honest I was only fixated on the part on how to get rid of the Hollow," said Mom.

"Not surprising," replied Aunt Bekah rolling her eyes.

I don't really know what happened between them. I know they use to be super close when I was little and then they just kind of drifted apart.

"Alright, breaking this strange tension here. We need to hurry to the airport. The plane will be ready in about two hours and with LA traffic trust me it will take two hours to get there," said Chris taking another shot and heading to the elevator. Seriously, how is he doing that and how did he get a plane ready so fast?

"Wait, where are we going," asked Marcel.

"Oh wow look at that the guard dog speaks. Almost thought you were mute. Well to answer your question, we're going to France. We'll get Elliot first and then Elijah and continue on," replied Chris.

"Wait, but Elijah doesn't remember us. How are we suppose to get him to come with us," asked Mom.

"You know there's this thing called magic," replied Chris this time with jazz hands.

"It's compulsion though, how would we break that," asked Mom unimpressed.

"Thank satan I don't have magic right now. Otherwise I'd silence you, but that probably wouldn't get you to stop bothering me. Honestly, that would be even more of headache. Alright let's just tell you the baby worded version. Step one: get Elliot. Step two: My lovely stepmother, aunt witchy, cousin, and most importantly me will open up his mind while Elliot purges the compulsion out of his mind. He's blood so it'll work better. Step 3: Elliot assumes responsibility and makes the plans, so I don't have to. Great anymore, questions," asks Chris.

Without waiting for a response, Chris continues, "Now get in the elevator. My limo is out front and I have a bottle of Bourbon calling my name from inside it."

Alright, it's official. Chris is definitely the fun cousin.

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