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[Short story || Slight Angst (super tiny)]

Kazumi Here! Soooo here's a little short story for y'all plus it's rushed sooo I hope you won't mind having errors here and there ehe

Hello - POV
 Hello - flashback
'Hello' - thoughts

Not Edited


As we walk down the crowded town I can't help but look at the girl beside me. Wondering if 'she' would be happy with the choices I made after all it's 'her' wish.

"No one can replace you...please" I said that night

"Just... just do this for me... for us.. open your heart again.. give the people around you a chance. Find your happiness"

"Is there something wrong my darling?"

"I'm fine"

"If you say so.."

We continued walking until we saw 'her' favorite pastry shop.

"Darling, Look it's Erza-san's favorite pastry shop!"

"I saw it first.." I said

"Of course you did... so do you want to buy her a strawberry cake?"

"That would be nice. We can also eat and rest for awhile if you like"

"Juvia is so happy right now"

I just gave her a small smile in response.

We chat and eat for awhile but it seems that I really just can't focus right now... it feels really wrong but I can't point what part of it is wrong.

When we finished our little break, me and Juvia continued to walk going to our destination.

We stopped when I saw a familiar old lady.

"Gray child, would you like to buy flowers?"

"You know it"

"Hmm.. Lady Ezra must really enjoy them because you buy her each week"


"Be safe!"

"We will!"


"Gray darling I'll just wait at the chapel ok?"

"Yeah sure.."

Juvia left me as I continue to stare at-


"What about her?" I asked

"Please... give her a chance.. open your heart to her.." And that's the last time I saw her smile..

"I love you.." but those three words were her last words.

-Erza's grave..

"I fulfilled your wish... I hope you also fulfilled yours that night... when you said we will go back to the guild together. You also promised me that you won't ever leave me.."

"I love you" 'forever and always.. Gray'

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