Chapter 24

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Sofia's POV

''I want my mommy!'' I screamed as the woman paced around the room.
''Shut your f***ing mouth, you little brat. If I knew you were going to be like this, I would have aborted you.'' She slapped me. I started crying more and screaming.

My mommy and daddy never hurt me. Why is she hurting me right now? I just want my mommy to come. I'm afraid of this lady. She hurt me for the third time.

''Where is my daddy?'' I sobbed.
''You won't get to see him until he gives me the money. You are useless to me brat.'' She looked at me evilly.

I sobbed and my throat was dry. She didn't give me a water nor food. Mommy would prepare breakfast right now.

I remeber that I wanted to take sketchbook and pencils as mommy told me but this woman put some rag on my mouth that made me sleepy. When I woke up it, I was lying down on this old bed that makes squeaky noises.

''I'm hungry!'' I sobbed.
She squinted her eyes at me and took out dry bread from the drawer. She handed me a half of it. I was so hungry that I didn't want to refuse it.

Mommy always says food is God's gift and we must appreciate it. So I took a bite, it was dry but it got wet in my mouth so it wasn't all bad.

I finished and asked for water. I noticed she was mad at me but she was kind enough to give me a glass of water. I felt so refreshed after it.

I got sad again that I don't have mommy and daddy with me. My eyes got wet again and I was crying. I missed my parents so much and they weren't here.

I fell asleep on the squeaky bed because I didn't have anything to do and I got tired from crying.

Edward's POV

''Sir we found the signal.'' The policeman said snapping me out off my thoughts.
''Where?'' I say looking in the screen.
''She used the telephone box and street camera caught her. She was holding your daughter I assume.''

''So did you track her?''
''Yes with street cameras. But we didn't saw her anymore as she went in around the corner where the cameras couldn't catch her.'' He explained to me.

''So what do we do now?''
''We will go with police patrol to search that alley and flats around there.''
''Okay, but I'm also going.''

Police were searching cameras all night. I just went home to check up on Anna. She was sleeping but I noticed her wet cheeks. I tried to convince her that it's not her fault but she didn't listen.

I followed police cars as they were driving towards that alley. It was sort of old and looked abanoned. Just at the thought that my daughter is somewhere here made me angry.

They divided into teams and went around the buildings. I went with team into the main building we mostly assumed she was there.

I went upstairs while they were searching first floors. I suddenly heard whimpers and screams. I slammed the door open where I heard screams. I was seeing red when I saw that whore slapping my daughter's red face.

She jumped up and turned around wide eyed. I'm not used to violence but I couldn't help myself when I slapped her so hard that she fell on a floor.

''How dare you touch my daughter, you arrogant stupid whore?'' I screamed in her face.
''I gave birth to her and I will do what I want with her.'' She spat holding her cheek. I wanted to say something but Sofia's whimper stopped me.

She was red and her face was wet. I scooped her up in my arms and she immediately hugged me. Police came quickly and handcuffed her.

''If I ever see you again near my daughter even jail won't help you.'' I spat at her face amd they dragged her out.

''Princess, I'm here. Nothing will happen to you again.'' I cooed at her rubbing her back. She nodded and sobbed in my neck.
''Sir?'' Policeman called after me.
''Would it be a problem if you come to the police station with me? Just for her to give a statement.'' I nodded and went outside with her.

She was fisting my shirt tightly while we were going to the station. I could just rub her back and saying assuring things in her ear to comfort her.

Policeman gave her drink and some snack for her to eat. She got comfortable when she ate. Policeman asked her a few questions and she didn't mind to respond freely. They gave her some toy as a reward for being good girl and we left home.

''Daddy is mommy home?'' Sofia asked me from the backseat.
''Yes, she is. She really missed you.''
''I missed her too. That lady was really evil to me.'' She pouted.
''You won't see her ever again princess.'' I assure her with small smile.

I picked up Sofia once we arrived amd entered the house. It was quiet and Anna was probably upstairs. It was evening already.

I got inside our room and she wasn't in bed, but I was relieved when she came out of the bathroom. Sofia smiled and squealed.

''Mommy!'' Anna turned around quickly and broke down in tears as she runned towards us. She took Sofia from my arms and hugged her tightly.
''My baby, I missed you so much.'' She sobbed.
''Me too mommy.''

I kissed Anna's head and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. She leaned in my chest keeping Sofia tightly.
''Are you okay now princess? Did she hurt you?''
''I'm fine mommy.'' She smiled and kissed her cheek.

''Do you want to take a bath princess?'' I asked her caressing her cheek. She nodded her head still clunging onto Anna.
''Edi go rest. I will give her a bath.'' Anna said and kissed me softly.
''Okay baby. But don't push yourself.''

She nodded and went with Sofia to her room. I sighed and went to take a nice shower. Huge burden was lifted off of my shoulders.

I finished showering and put on my boxers. I ploped down on the bed where I felt real tiredness. I didn't get to sleep all night. I was almost asleep when I felt the bed dip.

I looked at Anna putting Sofia next to me then lying down. I turned on my side and put my arm across Sofia on Anna's bump. I smiled in content that I was with my family and fell asleep.

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