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There I was, throwing a serious yelling contest inside my head. And the only contestant: MYSELF!

Listen, I know what you might be thinking! "You're really CRAZY, Willow Mackens!" And you are extremely right on that one. I think I finally figured out the reason I only have two friends!

Let me get back on track, I was just beginning to tell you about my life, a little bit of drama sprinkled here, there, and almost everywhere! 

Now, have you ever felt like, 'Wow, Jeez, that really menacing girl who has a locker right next to Willow's is such an annoying devil?'.

Haha, to those who say, "What! What's so wrong with the girl who's locker is right next to Willow's? She's just a human-being, leave her alone!"

If that would be the case, my answer would be, "We are on the same page, right? We are talking about Kennedy, right!" Because at this rate, I'm not sure if she even is a human-being! I think she's an alien in disguise, Kennedy is too shockingly cruel!

You don't seem to believe me? Well then, let me tell you what's wrong with Kennedy, (Or Kennie, the nickname she likes to go by.)

She has designer clothes that I wish I had, she always has to brag about it when I'm around. (I don't like how she is so rich! And I live in a regular single home, but, I can't complain, I am thankful that I have a roof over my head. Unlike Kennie, who only cares about living in palaces!)

She puts on way too much perfume, each scent depends on what she's wearing. (It goes a little something like this. Cherry Blossom dress, Cherry Blossom perfume, like seriously, she once had the same 174 dollar perfume my dad got Mamma on their anniversary! I've lost track of how many headaches I've gotten just because of the strong aromas coming off of Kennie's locker each day!)

All, I repeat, ALL the boys are head over heels for her, which makes it very hard for me, because I always have to be stuck in a crowd of boys zombie-walking all the way to Kennie's locker. (Also known as, the locker right next to mine if the fact has already been forgotten.)

Kennie's hair looks shiny and stunning everywhere she goes. But she flips it way too much! Too much to the point I want to dump an entire bucket of mud all over her hair!

She always has to correct everybody! Apparently, it makes her feel smarter! She's super mean to all the kids, including to the boys who love her, and even to all her friends! I mean, I am starting to think she's leaving her manners at home on purpose! I have good eyes, and I can't seem to see any sign of good manners from Kennedy.

She's one of those people who act like an innocent kid in front of every adult. Though, she seems like spoiled milk if you're asking me. Let's not forget the fact that I said, spoiled. (See number one!)

Kennie once tried to steal my very best friends, Sienna and Nora. My two best friends. (That's a long story!)

She once framed me for stealing one of her strong but nice smelling perfumes. (And a whole bunch of other things, too! Like, being the reason her dress got stained, slipping a mean note into her locker, stepping on her sunglasses by accident, etc. Let me be the one to tell you, none of those incidents were caused by me! Yet, I'm still getting framed for this stuff!)

Always calls me out for writing in a diary, which is actually one of my favorite hobbies.

She is almost always giving me an ugly look, a look so scary that it makes a squirrel want to run up a tree almost immediately after it takes one good look at Kennie! (And yes, it has happened before.)

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