Jeon Jungkook rescues a cute unconscious boy

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Jungkook pedals carelessly through the rough grass path on his way home. His hair is still a little damp from the pool, had wet the back of his shirt as it dripped when he got changed. The cold air tingles his skin. The weather is warm but the air feels chilly tonight and the sky is not as clear as it'd been the previous days. It's now tinted a soft gray with the clouds that shadow it, the moon slightly visible through the light blanket. He's not paying much attention to the path, already knows it well enough to not need to focus on it as he rides.

Great mistake tonight. He's too busy looking at the patches of night sky the clouds reveal to notice the tiny barrier of rocks a bunch of kids had built in the path earlier to play. The front tire of his bike gets stuck between two of them and the speed he'd been going in did nothing to help him and instead sent him flying to the grass with much more force than he would've hoped.

The ground to the left of the path— unfortunately the side he found himself falling to— is slightly tilted and Jungkook can't stop himself from rolling downhill. He manages to stretch and arm and tense his legs to stop his tumbling without breaking any of his limbs. With shaky arms he turns himself over to lay on his back for an instant, taken back from the sudden fall. He groans and sits up; his arms and legs aching, burning slightly with tiny cuts from the rough surface he unwilling rolled through; head pounding, slightly dizzy and disoriented; and just barely out of breath. He rubs his eyes with his palms, taking a few seconds to recompose himself before opening them again.

His gaze follows the slight hill to the top, where his bike now lays abandoned, back wheel still spinning. He turns to his other side, mostly wanting to know how much he would've continued rolling downhill had he not managed to stop. Lazy eyes examine the long extensions of grass and soft hills, leading his gaze back up towards the star filled sky. The moon shines bright and full tonight, the clouds having cleared up slightly to reveal surprisingly a little too bright initial shine. Jungkook looks down again, blinking rapidly, eyes settling on a dark shape next to him.

His eyes grow used to the dark again fairly quickly and he frowns, unable to tell if what's there is actually there or if he'd just hit his head really hard during the fall. It's a boy. A beautiful boy, his face is toward Jungkook as he sleeps, laying on his stomach. Jungkook blinks.

With a slow uncertain hand Jungkook pokes the boy, then pinches himself. And when his sleeping figure doesn't disappear he scrambles back, putting some distance between himself and the mysterious boy who — he has just now noticed — is completely naked.

"What the actual fuck" he whisper-shouts, panicked. One part of his brain warns him he should get away; he doesn't recognize the boy, he could very well be some kind of serial killer with a very complex killing plan that involves pretending to be unconscious in the middle of a field. But another part of his— very confused— brain tells him otherwise. There's strange marks on the boy's shoulders and back. Marks that almost look like very defined and painful looking bruises. And there's something about his face that just assures Jungkook the boy is not a serial killer, or dangerous at all for that matter.

He leans back on his hands and thinks, looking up at the sky as if the moon could give him any advice. He looks back down at the boy and his weirdly injured back. Perhaps the boy is not a serial killer, but the victim if one.

"Alright Jungkook" He tells himself. "Think about it: If you were the victim of a serial killer or a weird gang, and they were to beat you up until you're knocked out and then left you to die in the middle of a lonely field, in a small town barely anyone outside of knows the name of..." He pauses and frowns. "Yeah I'd also want myself to rescue... me?" He shakes his head, not wanting to focus on that particular irregularity in his scenario.

"Alright" He declares, standing up and brushing the dirt and grass off himself. "Only because you've asked so nicely" He tells the sleeping boy and walks towards him. "And because that logic should also be enough to convince my roommates." He mumbles, already picturing the faces of Taehyung and Jimin when he brings home a passed out, naked stranger.

Jungkook steps closer, leans down and picks up the boy princess style with a groan. He's not as heavy as Jungkook had mentally prepared himself for the boy to be, but he's still not exactly a sack of feathers.

He carries the boy uphill with some effort, trying his best to focus on getting back to the path and not on looking down the boy's body. "Because that'd be impolite... and weird." He tells himself, feeling his face burning.

He does allow himself though, to look at the boy's face, resting against his chest. Something shiny falls from the boys hair every now and then and Jungkook raises an eyebrow at that. Glitter? Definitely not a serial killer.

They get back to the path, and with some weird contortion and careful maneuvering he manages to get the boy onto his back. Wraps his sleeping arms around his neck and holds him up by his thighs. His face is now on Jungkook's shoulder, still dusting a bit of glitter to the ground.

Jungkook crouches down like a pregnant lady— careful not to let the boy fall from his back— as he picks his bike back up. His duffel bag is still safely strapped to the back of it, on a rack. He takes his towel out— which is still damp and smells of chlorine— trying his best not to drop anything else as he pulls it and drapes it over the boy's shoulders, so that he won't seem as naked in case they run into anyone on the way home. As unlikely as he believes it is, he'd rather take his precautions.

He closes his bag and starts to walk, his bike pressed to his side as he tries to guide it with just one hand, a beautiful unconscious boy draped over his back. He blushes while attempting not to think about how soft the boy's thighs are, how nice they feel against his hips. About the warmth of the boy's body against his own, and his fresh breath as it fans over Jungkook's cheek and neck. He blushes, his whole face heating up in embarrassment. He is failing really bad at not thinking about those things.

"What the fuck am I doing?" He asks himself, the moon not his only silent companion as he makes his way home.

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