chapter eight: the butterfly (Your P.O.V)

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As the day went on the sun soon started to set. I sat in the room filled with board games, chess tables, and books.

I sighed and waited for alois to finish with his studies so we could go to the woods like he said.

Soon enough I heard footsteps coming towards the room I was in.

When I saw the door open it was Claude. Of course his cold gleaming stare gave me chills and quite made me feel rather uncomfortable.

"I apologize for intruding my lady, but my master alois is finished with his studies and wishes for you to now accompany him in tonight's events. " he said with a stern voice.

"Yes, very well I'll be down right now."

Claude then gave a small bow and walked out the room.

I paused for a moment and thought what will happen if I were to go to the woods with him.

So I just smiled and went downstairs where Alois was already standing near the door waiting for me.

"(Y/n) are you ready to go?" He asked

"Yes, I am. We should go before it gets really dark."

"Great idea! Come on Claude! We're waiting!" He said cheerfully

So Claude helped me into the carriage and waited for alois then we left into the woods.

          ~alois' P.O.V~

When we got to the woods (y/n) and wondered through the woods. It already got dark and the only light that gave off was the moon. I smiled as (y/n) pranced around the woods picking flowers.

"Alois! Look it's a butterfly on a spider web!" Exclaimed (y/n)

I went over to her side and examined the web. It was a delicate blue butterfly struggling to free itself from the web.

"Let me free it." I said slowly picking it out of the web.

"Be careful alois."

"I got it!" I said holding it in the palm of my hands.

"That's wonderful!" She said happily. Then ran off to go explore some more.

As I looked at the butterfly it almost flew away but I grabed it.

"I tried to save you but you repay me by flying away, now that's not right." I said breaking one of it's wings off.

I then looked at (y/n) dancing freely like a little butterfly. She was really beautiful and graceful that she had to be all mine and only mine. Maybe if I were to break off one of her wings she wouldn't leave....

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