chapter 17

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Chapter 17
Yashika provoke: Rishab’s office is so huge. I am sure he did hard work for creating such type of huge business, but his behavior is wicked towards me.  Oh Yashika, you have to focus here.

After 3 hours….

Haya: hey, what’s you doing?
Yashika: nothing, just completing work.

Haya: take a break and let’s eat something.
Yashika: later, first I need to complete this.

Haya  grab her hand: come on yashika, its only take 20 mins.
Yashika: oka…….okay…………………
Haya: lets go.

Yashika’s provoke: shit, I forget to take my wallet.
Yashika: Haya, right now I don’t have money.

Haya: no problem, right now I am going to give you treat, if you want to thank me then tomorrow you can give me treat.

Yashika: okay.
Haya: do you know Mr Rishab is married?
Yashika: ohhhh. No..but… that’s great.
Haya: oh no no, I heard that he forcefully married with her.

Yashika: (laugh a little) ooooo… he must be lucky that he got a good girl.

Haya: maybe, but the thing was that she is beautiful and one of the big business’s daughter. Why he married with her and why she married to him? I mean why?

Yashika: hmm.. nice question…
Haya: what do you think, is he having a good behavior towards his wife?

Yashika: I don’t know. I think so he used to be romantic.

Haya: hmmm… might be.. you are saying right. By the way Mr Rishab is so handsome that any girl will fall for him.

Yashika: really..
Haya: oh yes, even I was also having a crush on him. But after his marriage, I drop my idea to tell him this.

Yashika smiled.
Haya: so whose your crush?
Yashika: umm…
Haya: come on tell me… don’t feel shy.

Rishab pass through from her seat.

Yashika blushed: oh god, why this happen with me? Why I am blushing?

Haya: good morning sir.
Rishab: any update regarding meeting?
Haya: no sir.

Rishab’s provoke: why she was smiling looking towards me. She is so disturbing element.

Rishab: okay. Yashika come in my cabin I want to talk to you.
Yashika: okay sir.

--------[  inside the cabin ]-------------------

Yashika: so…
Rishab: so what.

Yashika: you called me?

Rishab: yeah I called you because we have to attend a business party today so go home right now and dress up well. I will send dress, makeup stylish and hair stylish at home. So you don’t have to go anywhere. Okay. Am I clear to you.

Yashika: I don’t want to attend any meeting.
Rishab: did I asked you.

Yashika: I am not going anywhere.(giving him irritate look).

Rishab called his driver. Rishab hold her hand without uttering any word. Both of them entered his private lift.

Yashika: oho...Rish..ab leave
Rishab: keep quite…

Yashika: why you always show me your rude behavior. I know you love me..... that night.. I saw your soft side for me.

Rishab:  go on. If lies satisfied you then I have no problem.
Yashika: ahh. I hate your ego. Can’t we talk like normal couple.

Rishab: oh really.... Tonight, we have to ...behave like a normal couple.
Yashika: if we are not, then I will not going to do any drama or take part in your drama too.

Rishab controlled his anger.

Rishab: okay, I have no problem. But don’t utter any word infront of anyone… otherwise our family will came to know.
Yashika: I can do this favor to you.

Rishab: hmm.. good enough… now get inside the car.

Sorry guys, these days i am quite busy because of studies ... sorry if i am not regularly posting the remaining chapters.

But i will try hard to takeout some time to complete this story.
But stay tuned ... vote and comment .😁

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