My life

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Let me tell you a little bit about myself. Hi I'm Kyle lemire, I'm 16 and I live in Boston, Massachusetts with my mother I was born when she was 16 and they didnt have enough money to raise a child so my father went to alberta when I was 4 months old to work in the oil sands. Mom takes a plane up there every year for a month to see him but I'm not allowed to go I dont know why but she says I'm not old enough. I do all the stereotipical teenager things, I go to partys, I get drunk, I get laid a lot (it probably has to do with the fact that I am so called the hottest guy in school).

But my secret and the thing that sets me apart from everone else is my love for animals. All my life I have loved animals more than anything. When I was 6 years old I saved a baby bird who's mother abandoned it, when I was 12 I got a job at a volenteer animal shelter/clinic and I have worked there ever since. I love working there and I love all the people who work there we are like a little family. When I was 15 a new type of animal was brought in and it changed my life. A hybrid. She was a cross between a human and a fox, she seemed to take a liking to  me so they let me take care of her. 2 months later I had tought her speak and we had learned that she was 14 years old in human years, she wasn't given a name in the lab so we gave her one. Ariel, because of her red hair, ears and tail, all the red reminded me of the disney princess from the little mermaid. (I grew up without a father so all the movies I watched were always things my mom would have watched with a daughter). I showed Ariel the movie and she loved it and she loved the fact that I named her after a princess. We also found out that she had been tested on ,in a lab but she broke out and ran away and thats when we found her she wasn't scared of us but she was scared of shots and she had nightmares and I was the only one who could calm her down and as stupid as it sounds I was honoured but it also meant spending lots of nights at the clinic and being questioned at school the next day by my friends as to why I was so tired.

Now, a year later she thinks of me as her brother and she really wants to come along with me and meet my friends but she cant because sadly i dont think my friends would like a girl who has ears and a big fluffy tail. So she stays at the clinic in a makeshift bedroom and everyday after school I take her to my house to play videogames and sometimes we have sleepovers (just sleepovers nothing else thats gross shes like my little sister). My mom loved her like a daughter and she exepted her. When my mother went away to see my father last year I let Ariel stay at my house in my mothers room to keep me company and that was a very fun month filled with lots of learning new things for Ariel. Anyway thats my life up till it gets exciting so hold on, this is where it gets crazy.


Thank you so much for reading this is my second book if you ve read my other books you know how much i like feed back which means please comment,give me suggestions and ask me any questions that you might have also if you liked this first chapter and you want more then please vote, it doesnt cost you anything and it makes my day.also i know i know im not good at all with updating and im sooo sooo sorry and i know that there is no excuses but my excuse is that i didnt have a computer to write on and it was taking up to much space on my phone but i just got a brand new laptop so inbetween school, work and babysitting i will try to update more often so if i dont update before happy new year and to all of you who are still celebrating a holiday then happy holidays and i will update soon

lots of love Em <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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