The Girl Who Could

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She glared from her window covered in raindrops, looking at the glistening morning sun. As the morning light shines onto her floor, she smiles as she picks up her favorite book "Awaken by P.C Cast + Kristin Cast". She stares at the book mesmerized by the wonderful images it creates in her mind. She sits on the window sill wearing a long oversized soft sweater and silk shorts. A slight knock on her red wooden door comes to notice, she gets up and her long thick brunette hair gently lays on her back as she walks towards the door. When she opens the door, she sees her little brother standing there wiping his eye with one hand and in the other he has his favorite stuffed animal named Chewy. 

     She smiles, lets him come in and he gets into her bed covered up with her satin silk sheets with a warm cover and falls right back to sleep. She softly sings him a song and pushes his hair out of his face before pulling the covers over his shoulders so he wouldn't get cold. After she notices that he is finally asleep, she goes back to her book and continues to read; while it's taking her on the journey of a lifetime. She reads and reads until she gets to the last page and closes the book with the satisfied facial expression. She quietly gets up from the window sill and grabs some clothes and sneaks out of her room.

      Walking to the shower, she realizes her mother is awake and wants to go say hi to her mother. Into the kitchen saying "Hello mother. What a wonderful morning.". Her mother turns around from making coffee to look at her daughter with a smile on her face "Hey Jasmine, yes it is. The fog just cleared up about an hour ago."She says, glancing at the time realizing it's only 6:45 am.

     Jasmine runs up the stairs, her pace slowing as she reaches the top. She glances at the exquisite paintings that cover the walls to the bathroom, but pays no mind to them. entering the bathroom decorated with rose gold tile walls, fluffy pink toilet cover, rose gold counter, a sleek bathtub, and last but not least a shower that is big enough for two. While in the shower, the bathroom fills with steam covering the mirror with a thick fog. Once out;she wipes the mirror clear and starts her morning, Drying off and tossing her hair into the microfiber towel before putting it up to dry.

     Once done, she grabs her favorite toothbrush and starts brushing her teeth putting on some music (but not so loud). Dancing around the bathroom while still brushing her teeth, she runs into the wall and accidentally stubbs her toe. Jasmine, who is having too much fun, shakes off the pain and returns to the sink where she finishes her proper hygiene. Putting on a black charcoal face mask and tossing on her robe she decides to finish her paragraph from the book she is writing. "To whom has ended the war against our nations we and the gods thank you." she ends her paragraph. Upon finishing she looks up at the clock to see thirty minute have passed. She nods, content with the time before heading back to the bathroom to remove the mask, wash her face, and add her daily moisturizer.

      She pulls her hair out of its secured place on her head, allowing a scattering of water droplets shower the floor. She stares at her reflection for a moment before glancing over at the clothes she picked out for the day. Jasmine puts heat protection on her hair and starts to blow dry it which takes about an hour and a half because her hair is mid-thigh length. Once her hair is dry she decides to curl it, but only enough to make soft waves in her hair. After what feels like an eternity, Jasmine finishes running her fingers through her loose curls. Her arms exhausted from the two and a half hour process.

       Putting on her normal necessities, a plain white t-shirt and tossing on a maroon, red, black, and white plaid flannel; then some worn out blue jeans. She leaves the bathroom tossing her dirty clothes in the hamper scampering to her room to put on her boots and cowgirl hat. With a smile on her face; Jasmine runs downstairs shouting to her mom that she loves her before she bolts to the barn to take her horse out for a morning dart. Jasmine always loved horses, training them, of course riding them.

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