Part I

He was trying to absorb the letters and the numbers for his upcoming exam. He should not fail this time or else his father will surely home school him and he hate the idea.

He mumbled once again the formula, trying to go over the given solution and comprehend as to how the long equation ended with zero as the answer.

Too busy with those dancing numbers which made him wince not in pain but in frustration, he was very much frustrated when his phone rang.

“What?” he exclaimed.

“Is that how you should reply back to someone older than you?”

“Gege, this is not the time to fool around, what made you call?” he asked.

“Well, the boys want to meet the Nation’s First Son.”

“I am trying to get close with this numbers, I don’t think I might get hold of another round of drinks,” he sighed, closing his notebook.

“Then, I guess you need to avert your attention for a while. We will wait for you in here. Don’t make me wait or I will really call your father and tell him that you purposely slack off in class yesterday.”

He wants to reply back but the call has been ended. Left with no choice, he grabbed a jacket, the one with large hood and a pair of glasses with a mask. He opened the balcony of his unit, careful of being seen by his guards. ‘So much for being the only son of the President,’ he thought and jumped off the wall when the surrounding is clear of men in black. He made a quick exit to the road and ran to the nearest bus stop so he can finally get to the club.

Yes, he is the nation’s first Son. Huang Zi Tao is the President’s only son that is why he is having a problem in bodyguards. His mother is so adamant about securities and service cars. Even though he is living on his own in a condominium unit, he is still heavily guarded that sneaking out has become his hobby every time he needs to meet his friends in the night.

After fifteen minutes, he arrived on the place. He removed his jacket and proceeds to the VIP room where they usually hang out. When he got there, there go his five friends.

Luhan and Lay is on the glass window, looking down on the sea of people dancing on the dance floor. Xiumin and Chen are talking about something and Kris is sitting on the lone leather seat, admiring his drink.

“So how would you say that this place will help me in my relationships with numbers?” he asked, sitting on the large leather couch.

Luhan turned to look at him, “Oh, the Nation’s First Son is here,” then moved to get near him together with Lay.

“I am having a nice conversation with the numbers on my subject then Gege ruined it, telling me that he will help me,” then rolled his eyes on Kris who gave him a smug grin.

“It worked and I am really going to help you,” he said over the frowning Tao.

“How will you help me?” Tao asked.

Chen suddenly pulled Luhan on a corner, when the others became oblivious of them.

“Let’s make a bet?” he proposed.

“Bet? On what?” Luhan raised a brow.

“Let’s see whether Tao will accept Kris gege’s offer in helping him with his Math subject,” he grinned on the doe eyed man.

“Well, Tao will not definitely accept that. That will be a blow on his ego,” Luhan replied.

“One thousand dollars and one more if he became one of their top in the exam?” Chen offered.

Luhan gave him triumphant smile, “Deal. I am sure he will not accept the offer and his brain will never be able to help him top the exam.”

“You said so,” the Chen went back to his place.

All of the sudden, Tao was taken aback when a female entered their room. She does not look like a waiter or a bartender and neither a hooker or a pick up girl. She has this long black hair tied up in a messy ponytail. She is wearing a black leather shorts with a large printed shirt. Her feet are adorned with black heeled boots. There are few accessories on her wrists with a dangling earring on her lobes. But even though the room is not that well lighted, he has to accept that she looks beautiful. It made him wonder who this girl could be.

“Oh, Fei! You made it. I thought you would not accept my offer,” Kris stood up to welcome her.

“You know her?” all of the other’s exclaimed.

“Yes and she is the one I am talking about. The one that will help Tao in straitening or smoothening his relationship with numbers,” he turned the lady to face them, “This is Wang Feifei.”

Everyone gave a nod of recognition except for Tao. Luhan and Chen eyed him, expecting his answer which will tell their fate regarding their one thousand dollar bet.

“So what do you say Tao?” Kris asked the silent one.

“You are asking me to tutor the Nation’s First Son?” Fei asked, looking bewildered.

“Yes, so how about you Tao? Will it be fine with you?”

There was a momentary silence. Tao lifted his glass and looked at her first. After a drink, he sighed, “Ok. I guess that help will not be bad right?”

Luhan groaned in frustration upon hearing his reply.

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