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After I ate my dinner I went to get ready for work. And as usual I was late and had to run to get there. And yet again I sounded like a 85 year old with asthma.

Now I thought that like usual there won't be many customers but to my surprise for 2-3 hours people were coming in like crazy. I didn't even have time to look at my phone to see what time it was.
Luckily soon it became quiet and just when I thought that I could relax a little bit, mister "typical fuck boy" shows up.

"Hey there grumpy" he said as soon as he opened the door.
"Hey there fuckboy" I said without looking at him.
"Awww Nina don't be like that"
"Ooh so now we are on a first name basis"
"Well yeah if you don't mind" he said while leaning on the counter.
"Well I do mind" I said with a cold voice.
"Okay then what do you want me to call you?"
"You don't need to call me by any names"
"Okay then grumpy it is" he said with a wide smile.
I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Suit yourself".

After all those people that were in here not too long ago I really didn't have anymore energy to bicker with him like a child.

"Okay then grumpy what do you want to do?" he asked in a playful way
I was thinking for a bit and then said"I want you to do something for me" I looked at him with a smile
"Ok then what can I do for you?"
"You can turn around and go straight through that door and outside" I said with a smile
"Awww do you really want to get rid of me that much?"
"Yes, yes I do"
"And what if I don't want to leave?"
"Then I will just ignore you"
"We'll see about that" he said.

And for the next 15 minutes he was following me around calling me "Grumpy" non stop.

Now, I am a pretty calm person and not many things can annoy me but everything has it's limit and so do I.

In one moment I just snapped and turned around to slap him but he stoped me.

"Oh so now I get a response" he said with a cocky smirk.
"Ugh you are so annoying! Don't you have anything better to do?"
"Right now I don't"
"Aren't you like famous or something, aren't you busy?"
"Oh" he looked suprised "So you know?"
"Yeah I don't live under a rock"
"So you knew and yet you still didn't fangirl over me?"
"Look dude I only know you are a celebrity, other than that you are a total stranger to me"

My answer caught him off guard since he didn't really know what to answer.

"Just because you are a celebrity you think everyone will consider you special? - God, you are full of yourself" I walked behind the counter without looking back. I was proud of myself to say that to him while he was just standing behind without a word to say. 'Serves you right'.

"Wait i didn't know you knew who I was" he tried to justify himself.
"So what if you are famous, that does not mean I should treat you differently, does it?"
"No but.."
"But what?" I cut him off
"I wanted to see how you would treat me"
"The hell, that's the stupidest reason to actually bother someone while working, imagine if I came to your work and nagged you nonstop for 15 minutes while you were trying to sing or something, how would you feel?"

For a few seconds he was just staring probably trying to say something back to me.
But when he realized he had nothing he just sighed. I felt victorious like I finally took a lead in this one sided situation where he was the only one teasing me.

"Not so smart now are we?" I mocked him
"Ok I admit defeat"
"Ha! You should"
"You got me good not gonna lie"
"Of course I did"
"So what are you going to do now?"
"Ooh I don't know maybe I will share the cctv recording of you trying to kiss me on the internet" I said with a innocent look.

He had "in that moment he knew he fucked up" look on his face. Oooh boy was it worth it waiting for this moment. I could've told him right away that we had cameras inside but I waited for the right moment and it came. He should've known not to play when he is in my territory.

"No way, I didn't see any cameras when I came in here" he said
"See that one over there?" I pointed to one camera in the back of the left corner "That one covers the whole store, if you want to I can even show you"

He was left speechless. I could almost see a sign that said "mortality" over his head.

"You wouldn't" he said with a shaky voice.
"Oh but I would" I got closer to his face.
"No way..."
"Yes way" I said with a wide smile.

I could see he was starting to panic and I couldn't help but laugh out loud like some king of villain.

"Hahahahahah.. Dude chill i won't do something so evil"

It was never really my intention to do something as evil as that, I just wanted to scare him a little.

"Yeah, don't worry. But" I pointed upwards with my finger "If you try that again I can't guarantee anything"
"I promise I will never" he said with a serious look
"Ok now relax a bit" I said nudging him with my elbow.
"How the hell am I supposed to realx when you just threatened to ruin my whole career!" he said basically yelling
"Hey watch your tone, you are still not off the hook"
"Yes ma'am"
"Good - Now since I am in a good mood we could play a game"
"Ok what kind of game?" he asked
"Hmm I don't know, how about truth or dare?"

Authors note

Aaaaand a plot twist...kinda. I know it wasn't a really good one but this is a fan fiction after all plus we gotta make the plot move somehow.
Till next time luv yall❤️

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