Oof I'm A Monster Hunter Part 2

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Welcome back to the wonderful adventures of Jeremy and Leslie. Our wonderful zombie boyo, who we will call Mortimer, has crashed into Jeremy's house. Jeremy, in his infinite wisdom, believes this is his Schizophrenia acting up. It's time for our wonderful Leslie to give him a wake-up call.

Leslie cocked her head and furrowed her eyebrows. " You don't know what a Keeper is?"she asked, confused. Jeremy shrugged.

" Elaborate, my dear hallucination."he said- yes, he said "my dear hallucination,"- and Leslie snorted. 

" I'm not a hallucination-"Leslie started, then wrinkled her nose. " Do you...hallucinate a lot?"she asked him, leaning forward. Jeremy thought, then gave her a tiny nod.

Leslie's head whirled. Was the Keeper gene recessive in this family? Was Jeremy the only Keeper in his family? If that was so, then it was technically Leslie's job to show him the Netherworld....

Leslie grabbed Mortimer's arm, and grabbed Jeremy's shoulder. Jeremy flinched, and tried to wriggle out of Leslie's tight grip. She sifted through his mind and...nothing. He knew absolutely nothing about Keepers.  Leslie's brow furrowed as she zoned in on an a memory.


Jeremy giggled as he played in his backyard, tossing his ball up and down. He caught it in his tiny, chubby hands, and  proceeded to throw it back in the air. His mother was taking a video of him, and let out a laugh. 

The ball missed him, and instead bounced around on the ground, rolling over to a spot in the yard. He toddled over to the spot where the ball was, crouching down to pick it up-but then he saw her.

Her face was rotting and peeling, blood gushing down her face. She was propped up like a flamingo,  hopping on her left leg, a stub being all that remained of her right leg. Jeremy stood there, stricken, as the woman flashed him a toothy yellow smile. 

Jeremy screamed and broke into tears, terrified sobs coming out of the boys mouth as he ran to his mother. The woman got up and grabbed him into her arms. " Jeremy,"she asked, worry on her face as she wiped his snotty face, " what happened?" 

He whimpered. " T-there was a scary woman mommy.."he said, and turned to point at the fence, where the woman still stood. She waved at him, her arm a mess of wires, muscle, and bones. He burrowed into his mother's arm, trying to forget the image.

His mother frowned down at him. " Jeremy, there's no one there..."she muttered, picking the boy up and rocking him for a bit, as she walked inside the house.


Jeremy kept on seeing that woman whenever he went out to the backyard for the month, much to his parents chagrin. They initially thought that it was just a case of a boys over-active imagination-Jeremy had once told them a story of a flying dinosaur, so he could've imagined it. Of course, that begged the question of why a young boy would imagine up the figure of a rotting corpse.

Jeremy' parents dragged him to their local psychiatrist, where, lo and behold, he was pronounced with Schizophrenia. He was given medication, but he kept on seeing the woman-and as he grew up, more creatures accompanied her. Twisted, grotesque figures lurching at him from the corner of his vision. It didn't matter if he was at school, home, his mother's shop-they'd always be there...


Leslie snapped out of the sequence, blinking hard. God, that never failed to be one gigantic headache...She glanced over at Jeremy, who stood stock still, his face glazed over before seeming to snap back into consciousness and yelling. He scrambled away from her.

"Who-what are you?!"he asked her, absolutely shocked. She sighed and crouched down next to him.

Alright, she thought as she examined his face. I'm dealing with a Non-believer here...

She gave him a re-assuring smile. " I'm Leslie, and I'm a Keeper. I act as a intermediate between the spiritual world,"she gestured to Mortimer," and the human world." she gestured around Jeremy's room. The boy let out a shocked laugh. 

"T-this is crazy..."he muttered, then looked thoughtful for a moment before looking back at her.  " So, this is all...real?" he asked her. Leslie nodded.

"And...I'm a Keeper?"he asked, his tone no longer incredulous, just...amazed. Leslie gave him a thumbs up and a cheery smile. He's slow, she thought.

" Indeed! And it's my job to take you to the Nether World to find your power!"she told him, clapping her hands together. "Ready to go?"she asked, cocking her head and holding out her hand. He nodded, slowly, as if waking up from a dream, and accepted her hand. 

Leslie focused on Mortimer, and his strong spiritual energy. She pulled on a spiritual element, and felt the power well up inside her. 

"Uhm, one question:How does this workkKKKKKKK-"Jeremy asked, the end of his sentence turning into a shocked yelp as Mortimer, Jeremy, and Leslie warped to Magfield Manor, embarking on a new chapter in their lives...

Gah I HATTEEEEE THIS SO MUCH- ;w;. This is so terribly written, but I was on a time crunch and my brain decided to forget how to write well. Eh, the whole point of this thing is to get writing advice so-did you like part 2? What are some things I could improve on, and how are some ways to make this chapter less, y'know, cringe? 

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