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Hi!! I think we've met before. I remember your eyes from somewhere.OH!! Was it on the webpage before this? Either way, hello my name is Gemineye(on the "web"). My current job is a dabbler. Meaning I've done 3 types of dance, ice skating, basketball, soccer, swimming, and tennis along with piano, violin, and oboe(OBOES ARE INSTRUMENTS TOO). None of them stuck. Let me tell you guys a couple of my hobbies.

Pretending to be Sherlock Holmes, having existential crisis's, wondering when I'm going to become an adult, writing stories in my head, trying and failing to stop biting my nails, getting songs stuck in my head that I REALLY like but not remembering the title, helping other people, eating chocolate chips right out of the bag, and dancing while having my earbuds in so everyone around me thinks I look crazy.

Don't those things sound fun!!? I also enjoy inserting fandom references into conversations where they won't be caught and having to explain myself afterward.

Now people tell me not to milk a good speech; Keep it short, leave 'em laughing so I'm going to stop here. And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE remember: 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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