chapter 2

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Tina pov

Me and Goldy we hiding Hailey in our rooms away from Ryan cause he yelled at her for lying,Hailey was in my room with Kat and goldy,Ryan knew not to go in my room,he stayed out of Goldy's room cause she asked him to,and I said if he went in her room I would kill him, unicorn man was always with him and he knew he was mad at Hailey but he tied to calm him down but he wouldn't, everyone but unicorn man and Ryan knew me and Goldy were hiding her,we were in my room talking about ideas we had to hide Hailey,I looked at Hailey and Kat to see kat holding her and cuddling her,I smiled at her,then an idea came to mine"how about she becomes a wolf,Ryan and unicorn man don't know she can do it so,let's do it"I said,Hailey nodded smiling,kat smiled at me,


I watch at Kat left saying she was going for a walk,2 minutes later she came back with Hailey following her,but Hailey was now blue,kat sat next her and made puppy eyes asking Ryan if she could keep her,Ryan sighed and nodded,kat looked at the Hailey to find a new name when she said"ocean",Hailey barked happily and licked her,Danny and Tony were smiling at the to,me and Goldy then pushed them together and they kissed,after sometime tony chased me and kat held Hailey cause she was trying to act like a real dog/wolf trying to protect me,me and Tony then came back and I put a collar on Hailey with her new name ocean,kat then ran upstairs and ocean followed her,I looked at Ryan and he looked upset,"you ok Ryan"I asked him"when I find Hailey she will wish she didn't hide from me"he said mad,I backed away from him and he looked at and sighed,Goldy walked over to me and took me upstairs and then kissed me,she then walked me to my room and he watch some movies

I woke up and nuzzled into Goldy and she hugged me,I then felt a potion hit us and I shot up and looked around,I looked at Goldy but only saw a yellow wolf,the yellow with looked at me and backed away,I looked at myself to see I was a wolf with tiger stripes,I looked at the yellow wolf and saw a brown spot on it,I whined at the wolf and it walked over to me and I nuzzled it,"Tina"the wolf said,I looked at it and nodded"it's me Goldy"the yellow wolf said,I barked happily at her and jumped on her and licked her,she giggled and pushed me off,I looked to see unicorn man,he was getting and then he ran,I growled and Goldy nudged me,I nuzzled her and we walked out,tony ran over to me and sal who was laying on the bed walked over to Tony,I looked at sal and he looked at me,"sal your back"I said,"he only stood there"no one can understand stand you"Hailey said behind me,I paw her face and she whined at me,pup walked over and sat down"are you ok miss"he said,I nodded and he sighed,Dave walked over and kissed sal and I barked happily

Kat pov
I watched as Tina know as a wolf freaked out about Dave kissing sal,cookie and Lizzy walked over and grabbed me and Tina then ran upstairs and put us in cookies room,then the to left locking the door,after some time Lizzy and cookie came back with goldy and Hailey,who were whining,when Lizzy put them down Goldy ran over to Tina and nuzzled her whining, Hailey walked over and nuzzled me,angel then walked over and spoke"tell me why unicorn man turned Tina and Goldy into wolves"she yelled at me,I backed away but Lizzy and cookie blocked me,I looked at Tina,Goldy,and Hailey only to see then ties up with muzzles on,I looked at angel and whimpered at her,"i-i d-don't k-know"I said stuttering,angel sighed and walked over to me,"look if we find out your lying,I won't hesitate to. End. Your. Life"angel said leaving with Lizzy and cookie,I walked over to Hailey and Tina and laid down,Goldy was laying against Tina

I was walking around the room when the door opened,I went to looked but fell backwards when a position hit me,I groaned and got up,only to she unicorn man close and lock the door,i looked at my self,I was a light blue wolf(don't know her colors so made her light blue),I whined and looked at Tina, Goldy,and Hailey to see them looking at me,I whined and the door unlocked and opened to reveal angel,cookie,and Lizzy,they walked to me and I backed away from them but cookie and Lizzy blocked me,I whined at them and looked at angel as she sat in front of me,she grabbed my muzzle and made me look at her,I whined and Hailey growled at them,angel smirked and put a collar on me with my name the tied me down next to Hailey,Lizzy did the same to Goldy and put her next to Tina,cookie put Tina next Goldy and me,I was between Tina and Hailey,I whined at them they three left,

Ryan pov

I was following cookie as she took me to angels room,when we got the I saw Tina,kat, Goldy,and ocean but when I looked her tag I saw Hailey on it,I looked at Tina and she whimpered at me,I sighed and walked out and saw unicorn man walk up to me,"why is Tina,Goldy,and kat wolves"I asked,he sighed"I found out that they were hiding Hailey from you so I turned them to dogs"he said,I sighed and hugged him then kisses him"thanks unicorn man"I said,Lizzy and angel walked over and cookie stood next to them"so what are gonna do with"angel asked"let them go,I don't want them to think I'm going to kill them"I said,"angel,Lizzy,and cookie nodded and went to get them,but the four ran out and past me,"GUYS WAIT"I yelled following them,they ran outside and behind the trees,I stopped and looked down,


I was putting missing posters up for Goldy, Tina,kat,and Hailey,tony was upset that his sister and best friends were missing,pup was upset to,he and Hailey were great friends,and now she's gone,I looked down and angel put her hand on my shoulder,and we walked back into the daycare,Lizzy and cookie were laying down with each other,angel walked over and laid with them,we where having a sleepover over but without Tina,Goldy,kat and Hailey,it was horrible,Tony's dad was always coming over and helping us out,goldys down came and helped as well,my mom did to, unicorn man was looking at the window,so I joined him,my eyes widened at the wolves walking around,one looked at me and it turned around and walked to the slide,I ran and closed the gate,it growled then howled,it was gray,a orange one joined it and walked towards the the gate,a brown one then walked next to the grey one and a dark red one joined them,I then went from the front and closed all the gates with the button,I walked back and tony was holding Danny,cookie,Lizzy and angel we hugging each other,sal was crying into Dave,pup was under one of the couches,and my mom,Tony's dad,and goldys dad we yelling at the orange so!f to leave,then the dark red wolf jumped at the gate and broke it,the four wolves walked in and sat down,then I noticed collars,I walked over to them and sat in front of them,then my eyes widened,"Tina,Goldy,kat, Hailey"I said starting to cry,the jumped on me and licked my face,I laughed and heeled at them to stop,then Goldy ran over to her dad and whimpered at him,Tina smiled at the brown wolf and walked to her dad who hugged her,kat and Hailey smiled and nuzzled each other,

Cliffhanger time~

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