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- seri pov

business management.

after parting ways with jeno, I went to the class and straight to my seat. setting up my stuffs and scroll through my Instagram.

"hi, seri!" someone shouts my name from the front door. I look up and greet the person.

"hey, yangyang!" I say and wave him. he reply then walks to my direction and sit beside me.

yangyang is a friend of the dream. they know him since high school but he didn't went to ours. and, I know him during our first ever class of business management.

that's a short introduction of this cute boy named yangyang.

"so, how was your date?" he says making me roll my eyes.

ugh, I knew it. he's gonna ask that question.

"gosh, yangyang. we were just hanging out, it's not a date." I say emphasizing the last part.

"well, it didn't really look like a 'hang out' out to me."

"and what makes you thinks like that?" I cut him off, but it seems to make him turned on for the topic.

"don't you see??!! the way he looks at you, those eyes that was shining and full of glitter powder when he sees you? that smile that he will put on whenever he sees you??"

(shining shimmering splendid~)

I regret what I said just now. he's now fanboy-ing over the subject.

"well, that maybe because he thought of something interesting when he saw me." I say defending myself.

"no!!!! don't you know you are the only one that he talk to?" he says rejecting my words.


"no, I didn't know that one." I told him making him smirks.

"and now you know." I roll my eyes for the second time.

"but, you're saying that he may likes me by what you have observed so far?" ask me and he nods.

"that's nonsense! he would never ever likes a girl like me. orphan, poor, nerd, lonely (neomu lonely), ugly and no fun." me, still rejecting the idea of the subject liking me.

"girl, chin up. don't put yourself too low under the crust of the earth."


"okay, but what 'if', he actually have friends but we don't know it? and he was being dared to do something with me?" I say.

"girl, you're addicted to fan fiction too much. you're overthinking it now." he says and I shot him a glare.

"says the one that have his library full of kpop ff. specifically, NCT fan fiction. romance genre, when you are only a smoll baby."

"I'm not smoll, I'm big. im more mature than ten-gege."

"not as mature as kun."

"kun-ge,...... can't fight that." he says, defeated. i let out a small chuckle.

i continue scrolling through my phone, laughing at the meme, untill I feel like someone put something on my table.

I look at the person who put it, he just walks away not greeting me.

my eyes then moved to the thing he put on my table. yangyang also noticed what happened just now and now is looking to what I'm looking.

strawberry milk.

I took it and there was a pink sticky note with it.

have a nice day!

that's what was written on it.

a smile crept on my face.

"yah!! I told ya, he likes you!" yangyang shout to my ears. I glare at him, not noticing when did he stands beside me.

I look back at the note and I turn it around. there was something written on the back.

- dery

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