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(The end everybody ✌)

"No Jungkook! We won't leave you here!" Jin yells, while Jungkook just continued to cry.
"Why?! I'm just a stranger you guys just picked up, I mean nothing to you, this is where I grew up and this is where I'll die" Jungkook says, still trying to remove his father's hold on his neck. Hoseok sighed, he can't hide it anymore so he yelled.
"Because we love you, Kook! Not as a friend but as a lover, the reason we let you in, is because we love you!" Hoseok said as tears started to fall down his cheeks.

Jungkook gasps at the sudden confession, so they really love him? Hearing this, the younger started to thrash more while his mother grabbed his hair to stop him.
"Aww, what a cute moment, too bad I'll have to destro--hey!" His father yelled, running to Jungkook. Succeeding on removing his father's grip on him, he ran to the others. Jin was about to embrace him when the younger fell to the floor. Mr Jeon just stabbed Jungkook, he stabbed him!

"No!!! Jungkook!!" Jin says as he yelled and ran to the boy. Crying, he lifts the younger's upper torso and putting it on his lap as he held on his cheek.
"You fucker get close or I'll stab this to you" Yoongi shakily said as he points the knife to the two before staring at Jungkook.
"Huh? Seems like our job is done, I stabbed him deep, that'll cause him to lose too much blood and bleed to death" Mr Jeon said as he dropped the knife he used.

"H-hyung" Jungkook said, voice shaky as he groaned and lifts his hand up to caress Jin's cheek.
"Kook, just fight, please, for me" Jin says as tears continuously fell down his cheek. The younger smiled before his eyes closed...

(Cliffhanger Tokkis, Bunnys ✌

-Ggukie-nim out!💜)
[꾹이_토끼 🍪_🐰]

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