UV Optics are used for varied applications like semiconductor processing, fluorescence microscopy, and laser micro machining. With the increase in UV optics applications, there has been increase in demand for optical components required to work at those wavelengths including mirrors, lenses, filters, and beam expanders.
Benefits of UV Optics
* They can break the atomic bonds in materials processing and medical applications with minimal damage to surrounding areas.
* These optics are used for delivering unparallel cost-effective performance for laser-line and broadband application.
* There are limited choices for substrate/coating materials and processing costs.
* These are new optical components, coatings, and light sources.
Selecting the proper optic for an ultraviolet application is important for success of any application. The most important considerations for selecting appropriate are ultraviolet wavelengths, quality, cleanliness, and special packaging requirements. It is important to make the use of the proper manufacturing techniques and keen attention to cleanliness are required to make the best UV optics possible. Visit us: www.coeoptics.com
COE Optics
Aktuelle LiteraturNanjing Co-Energy Optical Co Ltd( COE Optics) has been a leading manufacturing supplier of optics and optical components to the industry in the world.