.•Please stay with me•.

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Ivan. Ivan Braginski was a man who strikes fear in those who opposed Russia. He even scared his allies but all he wanted was to have friends and possibly a lover.


The cold air swayed like usual against the field of sunflowers. Ivan loved the warmth that the sunflowers radiated in the cold country known as Russia. As usual , he laid in the sunflowers just dazing at the sky.

He wished his true sunflower was here but he knew that even his sunflower was scared of Ivan. He always tried to get along with people but it never worked. He held his scarf gently , careful not to rip the white cloth , and sighed. He decided to visit his loved one.


Ivan knocked three times on the dark wood door and listened carefully to the people inside. "AIYAAH , KOREA GET THE DOOR!!" Yao shouted and pushed the Korean.

"Sure aniki! but please let me hang out with you later!!" Korea exclaimed almost celebrating at the thought. Yao just brushed it off and pushed him closer.

Korea opened the door and squealed in fear , immediately after slamming the door , "A-Aniki!!! Russia is at the door!!" He shouted and jumped behind the sofa. Yao just sighed and carefully walked over to the door.

"Russia what are you doing here?" Yao bluntly asked hoping to get the man to leave quickly. "I was just visiting , friend." Ivan smiled and walked inside. Yao looked to the side and moaned.

"When were we friends?" Yao asked , glaring at Ivan. Ivan just laughed it off to hide his pain from hearing that. "Well we were allies once weren't we? So why not be friends?" Ivan responded hoping Yao would accept his friend request. "Sure sure , I'll be your friend I guess aru.." Ivan smiles brightly and hugged Yao.
"Let's celebrate our friendship , friend." Yao gulped his fears down and nodded.

Ivan was overjoyed! His sunflower finally accepted him as a friend! Maybe now he'll have a chance with him? Ivan genuinely smiled and hugged Yao tighter. Yao squeaked a bit but smiled slightly.

Truth be told , Yao wanted to have more friends because Japan left him. He felt so lonely lately so maybe Ivan would be a good friend? Who knows. All Yao could hope for was a good relationship.

They slowly walked to a local bar and sat down , "China how is China lately?" Ivan asked wanting to start a conversation between the two. Yao grabbed a beer and drank some , "Aiyaah I've been so lonely! After Japan left , Korea won't stop coming over and annoying the heck out of me aru!" Yao complained and continued drinking. Ivan placed his vodka to the side and smirked , he could use this as his chance.

"I can come over more if you want? We can hang out instead of hanging out with that brat." Ivan suggested. Yao laughed , "Russia, that would be nice aru! Maybe I can finally make friends instead of being a big brother all the time ugh I sound like France" Yao mumbled and looked up at Ivan.

Only now did Yao notice how handsome Ivan was , his nose , his kissable lips and his shimmering violet eyes, everything about him was beautiful. Yao couldn't help but blush and wonder how the hell he came up with all that. Ivan saw Yao's red face and felt worried, he gently placed his hand on Yao's forehead , "China you're burning up! I'll take you home,да?" Ivan worriedly said.

Yao blushed even more until his face was the colour of Spain's tomatoes. "Whatever just don't tell anyone this happened aru!" Yao shouted embarrassed by his thoughts.

Yao never saw Ivan as handsome before so why now? Maybe because he was finally paying attention to Ivan for once instead of being scared or annoyed near him. Yao sighed realising how rude he had been to Ivan. "..sorry..." Yao whispered next to the Russians ear before his vision turned into darkness.


Yao's vision slowly lighted up again and Yao saw the sun shining bright. "Ugh stupid sun aru I want to sleep!" Yao shouted and cuddled his 'blanket' Yao's blanket felt awfully fleshy and when Yao looked up he saw the Russian sleeping next to him. "AAAAAAA" Yao screamed and looked down , realizing he was half naked. 'This can't be happening , he didn't just.. no no n-' Ivan woke up and laughed at Yao's reaction , "Don't worry you were hot whilst sleeping so I took your clothes off and well I was tired so I fell asleep." Ivan got out of the fluffy bed and put Yao's red dressing gown with a little hello kitty on and stepped into the kitchen. "Why are you stealing my clothessss" An annoyed Yao asked. "Well I didn't want you to see me half naked." Ivan teased Yao.

Yao suddenly felt a pain in his head and moaned in annoyance , "Russia can you get me a pain killer and water?" Yao asked and sat down at the table.

Ivan nodded and grabbed the water and pill before he gave it to Yao he quickly grabbed an apple and gave them to Yao. "Eat some breakfast as well it will help!" Ivan then left the room and went to garb his stuff.

Yao sighed , he liked Ivan's company and all but how would the allies feel about this or even Japan , Hong Kong and Korea? I should just get rid of this annoying hangover before I plan any play dates. Yao drank the water and swallowed the pill.

Yao blushed as the thoughts came back , visions of Ivan kissing Yao cane in mind , Yao froze and shook his head violently. 'Owww that hurt I shouldn't move my head aru...' Yao thought to himself and got up to check on Ivan.

Ivan was packing his stuff until he noticed a sunflower in a vase. Ivan didn't know Yao liked sunflowers. Ivan turned around to see Yao looking straight at him. "You need help?" Yao asked and focused on Ivan. "Да" Ivan embarrassingly said and looked away shyly.


A/n: 1012 words! That is so many wordsss anyway this isn't going to be as long as the Yandere Kenhina story and this is just a bonus story because I got bored and well I'm currently obsessing over Hetalia and have Hetalia brain rot. I'll probably update this when I'm bored at morning or night so don't expect updates everyday. I'd also like to say that this story is for fun so the characters may not be in character every time. It's hard cooperating Russia into a love story but I'll try my hardest! Anyways thanks for reading and have a good night/day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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