Forbidden Affection

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Hermione Granger was sat on a bench on platform 10 at Kings Cross Station in London,  and was gazing around uncertainly. She looked at her ticket again. It definitely said platform 9 and 3/4. There was five minutes until the train left and Hermione was starting to worry a little. She had no idea what Platform 9 and 3/4 was, and in fact was entirely sure if it existed. She looked around and saw a family of red heads talking to young dark haired boy. Nothing out the ordinary.  Then she saw a family of three blonds. "Goodness, why are there so many muggles at this time of day! It's atrocious! Dumbledore should set the departure time at a less busy date!" Said the blond pretty looking woman. Hermione looked up. She could of sworn she had heard the word "Muggles" which she was sure she had read somewhere meant non-magic people. And the name Dumbledore was familiar. Then she realised that Dumbledore was the Headmaster of Hogwarts. The school she was supposed to be going to. She frantically ran towards the family in a desperate hurry. "Ex-excuse me!" She said out of breath. "Do you know where platform 9 and 3/4 is??" The blond family stared at her for a second. She was worried that they were in fact not part of the wizarding world and would think she was mad. Then the blond man muttered "First time?" out of the corner of his mouth

"Yes" she replied with relief.

"That's it! No need to worry! It's Draco's first time too!" Said Draco's mother. Hermione made to look at Draco. He had a cocky smile and his blond hair was really shiny. He looked a lot like his father, only he had short hair and not long. And a lot more handsome..

 "Hey" said Draco.

"Hi" Hermione responded, blushing a little.

"So what you do," said the woman to Hermione, " Is run straight at that wall!" she pointed at a barrier labelled "Platform 9". 

"Go on Draco, show her how it's done!"  Draco grabbed his trolley and glanced around to see if anyone was watching, and then ran into the wall and disappeared. Hermione blinked. Had that blond dream boy been a figment of her imagination? "If you're scared it might be best to do a little run up" Draco's mother whispered. So it hadn't been a dream. Hermione nodded and ran at the wall. Next thing she knew, she was on a platform with a bright red steam train and lots of strange looking people holding owls and trucks and saying their last goodbyes. Hermione looked around in awe. A whistle suddenly blew and everyone started to make their way towards the train, Hermione joined them and when the train had departed luckily found an empty compartment. She reached in her luggage and brought out a book labelled "Hogwarts a History" and started to read. Not long after, the compartment door opened and Draco the blond haired boy entered. "Is it okay if I sit here? I mean everywhere else is full..." he went slightly pink.

"Oh yes! That's no problem!" Said Hermione putting her book away.

"Oh I don't mean to intrude on your reading..."

"No, no! It's fine! It was a bit boring anyway" Said Hermione. Draco laughed and sat opposite.

"What house do you reckon you're going to be in? I think I'm going to be in Slytherin!" Said Draco trying to start a conversation. Hermione blushed "I don't know the different houses..." Draco grinned and started to tell her the whole history. Hermione has a weird feeling in her stomach. Whatever it was, she knew she really liked Draco.

Hermione and Draco had been talking the whole of the train journey and Hermione had learned so much more about Hogwarts than she already knew. "You could probably find all this knowledge in that book of yours though..." said Draco. "It's Hogwarts a History right?"

Hermione nodded and said eagerly "have you read it?"

"I- I have..." he said turning pink again.

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