The Resort - Chloe Bennet

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No Smut.

Chloe ends up on holiday at a ski resort in France alone where she meets Y/n who is also alone.


Chloe's POV:

I've been sitting by myself at the bar of the ski resort I'm at for maybe the past hour and I'm only on my second drink as I've been drinking them very slowly, not because I can't afford more, I'm simply just depressed as fuck.

I arrived here yesterday but this is not how I imagined it to be. Sure, I am an actress in a very successful Marvel TV show and I have a great group of friends but this month was supposed to be the happiest time of my life and it's anything but.

I even have this amazing dress that I have absolutely no use for anymore so it's scrunched up back in my room.

My depressive thoughts were cut short when a new drink was placed down in front of me. It's exactly what I've been drinking but I didn't order it.

"I didn't order that" I told the bartender.

"It's courtesy of the gentleman over at that table" he said back to me in his deep French accent.

I sat myself up and looked towards the table and saw a man, around my age maybe older but not by much, he has an undercut and a beard that's mostly tamed.

Our gazes caught each other's and he smiled as he lifted his drink, looks like an Old Fashioned, and tilted it at me before looking away. I knew his game though and it's not going to work and I'm going to tell him straight so I picked up the drink he got me and made my way over and sat across from him.

"It's not going to work" I said.

"What's not going to work exactly?" He asked me.

He's English.

"Your little game. You see a girl alone at the bar and you buy her a drink thinking it'll make her come over here and sit with you and eventually lead to sex. Well it's not going to work"

"Hmm you might have a point but may I point something out?" He asked and I nodded. "You are sat with me"

"Yes but, but, I was coming over to tell you that it's not going to work"

"So you're trying to tell me that, you decided you'd walk all the way over to me, sit down with me, with the drink I bought you, just to tell me you're not going to do exactly what you did, despite me never actually asking you to come over?"

He's absolutely stumped me. I have no reply at all.

"May I explain my reasoning?" I nodded again. "Earlier I saw you arrive alone and despite being in a place that can simply be described as paradise, you had a look of sorrow on your face. The same look you had when you walked in here, also alone and the same look you've had for the hour you've been sitting nursing two drinks. People don't usually come to places like this alone. Now I was simply sending a drink over as a kind gesture having noticed you looking a little down, would you coming over and sitting with me have been a plus? Indeed, you're an extremely beautiful woman but it was not something I was expecting you to do just for one drink and taking you back to my room for sex, was not something that ever crossed my mind. But of course, you can choose whether you'd like to believe any of that and if not I wouldn't be offended in any way if you took the drink and sat back at the bar not to acknowledge me again, but if you'd like to sit with me, it would be my pleasure"

"Hmmm, maybe I believe you but you're alone are you not?" He speaks with so much confidence and it's so hot.

"You are correct, I am here alone but I happen to be one of those people that likes to travel alone" I looked at him for a few seconds and took my first sip of the drink he got me.

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