Six, Being Wet Seems To Be My Issue.

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Making a breakthrough that big, is like a breath of fresh air that has eased some of the daunting pressure that sat on my shoulders the more I doubted whether I could actually do this. Even crazier to think that a self-induced orgasm is what granted me such a massive development, but I doubt it would help me every time.

Having that as a magic key to my information clogged my mind, really would be the opposite to an inconvenience.

Everyone has a certain amount of potential, and it can take you an amazingly long time to figure out what that is. Levi only discovered his affinity for potions six months ago, before that he had magical potential that we all saw but not something he excelled at yet. Asher being behind at ancient magic, after coming from a zero magic background isn't at all surprising.

If I can crack what made his power manifest on that day and figure out how to open up the floodgates- no pun intended- then hopefully, we will be able to figure out everything else and it will all flow naturally.

"You look cheery today" Selena smiles at me, yanking on a blonde piece of my hair affectionately, as her and Mady catch up to me in the hallway. I feel what they mean, there's determination in each step I take, and I can feel the smile pulling at my cheeks as I go.

"Maybe things are just turning around in my quest for answers in all things magical and unusual" I reply, wiggling my eyes at them, feeling the joy course through my veins.

"I take it this is about you helping out Asher?" Mady prompts.

"You bet your ass it is, I finally made a breakthrough" I beam, "I was beginning to think I was out of my depths, but I think I can do this"

"If anyone could do it, it's you. We might be old, and your Mum might be powerful, but no one is as good at solving mysteries as you" Selena praises.

"I always thought you were the most eligible to take over when we retire" Maddy adds, making my chest swell with pride and longing.

"Small problem there, I'll die before all of you and let's be honest. You guys aren't even thinking about retirement despite what Ezma seems to think" I shrug, despite the pain in my heart at the thought of dying so long before them.

"We can dream, can't we" Selena says, ignoring the point about me dying. "We have all been alive a lot longer than we have been living in this castle, the thousand-year mark seems like a good choice"

"Who's birthday will you being going off for that?" I smirk.

"Rhydian's" Selena laughs, "Which gives us another four hundred years to figure out how to preserve your brain forever and ever"

"What an honour it would be to leave my brain in your capable hands" Only half joking.

"You are the oldest Otillie, you're the one everyone looks up to, and you keep almost everyone in line. Even if sometimes you don't see yourself the way everyone else see's you"

"I'm sure by the time I hit twenty-five that fact will finally sink in"

"Well, I have your back and the rest of us do too" Sel reassures, giving my shoulder a light squeeze. "Are you and Asher getting along well?"

"He's a good guy, that's for sure and he has been really patient with everything that's going on. I'm sure he, like me was surprised by the amount of research we have to do for his parents"

"Sounds like an amazing beginning to a wonderful... friendship" Mady winks.

"You're both as bad as Maggie" I grin, shaking my head at them. "This is where I leave you, see you at dinner!" Hugging them both briefly and heading back towards the back entrance.

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