Ch. 1 : With Love

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The team searched for Scratch and was getting absolutely nowhere. Then everything changed. You hate to admit it but your heart fluttered when you found out Cat Adams was behind it all. She framed your best friend for murder, killed countless men, kidnapped Tara's brother (not to mention Max's family), and orchestrated a whole mess. But what you felt for her is undeniable. Catherine Adams, Miss .45, the Black Widow Killer. Cat is a psychopathic, narcissistic, international prolific serial killer, hitwoman, and the all around definition of a shitty person. But goddammit. She's the woman you're hopelessly in love with. All of these unresolved feelings that you wouldn't dare tell a soul. The thoughts you have when you look at the photo in her case file or heard her speak. The fantasies that play in your head when you pleasure yourself. Disgusting, wrong jealousy at her obsession with Spencer. Grief and fear knowing that she was due to be executed any day now.
Emily's voice snapped you out of your shameful thoughts.
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Didn't think you were listening," she laughed. "We're all getting the weekend off. After all that's happened, I'd say we deserve it."
You plaster on a smile to give her and the rest of the team before agreeing.
"You're damn right we do. So drinks tonight or are we all sick of each other?" you joke.
Penelope giggles and says, "If you'd been listening gorgeous, you'd realize we're already going out at right-now-o-clock. Rossi's buying."
Your eyes shift to the older man, who's giving you a tired smile.
"That doesn't surprise me. I'll go change and meet you guys there, ok?"
Reid walks off with JJ and Garcia, Tara, Luke, and Matt follow, and Emily and Rossi go up to her office (probably to work out some final details about Cat Adams). You stay behind and take one last look at her file before putting it away and making your way to your car. Driving to your apartment, you manage to bury the thoughts from earlier enough to ignore them. When you get home, you skim your closet for something to wear before deciding on a simple, black dress that accentuates your body rather well. Letting your hair fall out of the ponytail it's rested in all day and starting to apply a dark lipstick, you're interrupted by a knock at the door. You glance down at your phone.
10:24 pm.
Wondering who it could be, you draw your gun (a habit you've had since you started at the BAU) and check the peephole. There's no one there but a piece of paper lays on the floor of the hallway. You put away your gun and open the door to inspect. The paper smells like something sweet but unfamiliar. An odd scent. The first thing that catches your eye is a small heart at the end in what you hope to god isn't blood. When you read what's scribbled on the paper, at first you stare in confusion but when realization washes over you, your mouth goes dry and it falls out of your hands. Your mind races and you start to sweat before the world spins around you, trying to figure out what to do next.

Dearest Y/N,
Happy to hear from me? You better be. It took some string pulling to get this to you. The BAU's real sick of me by now, right? Even Spencie. But not you. I saw the way you looked at me, the way you spoke to me. The way those pretty eyes dropped down to some places it'd be naughty to speak of. I wonder... if I know, does your beloved team know too? Now, I'm sure you're wondering what exactly my point is. My point is this Y/N. You're going to come see me, alone. It isn't a demand, it's a fact. Because I know what no one else does. I know you better than anyone else ever will. And I know how badly you want this.
With love,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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