Chapter 4- Venry

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As my classes took eternities to finish and Zachary was getting all the XX chromosomes attracted to him, it became lunch time.

A/N: XX chromosomes are females :P XY are males. Science yo!

Zachary and I headed downstairs and into the food court. We both got our plates of food and sat down on a table next to a window.

"You know, you don't have to sit next to me. You're already popular so you should sit down with other people. Try to get to know the wild animals of the jungle." I say while opening my yogurt.

"I think I'm good. I like laughing at your jokes and remarks"

"I don't even joke around. That's genuinely my personality." I say while eating a strawberry.

"Venus!" I hear Axel say. I pause with the strawberry in my mouth as Axel walks up to me and Zachary. Axel hands me a batch of strawberries, "I'm allergic to them."

"Then why did you get that plate that included strawberries?"

"Kinda feels nice to give them to you." He said in the stoic voice I have. He then glanced at Zachary, "Axel Civil. You?"

"Zachary Darks. Nice to meet you. Brother of Venus?"

"Yep. 9th grader. Allergic to strawberries as you can see." He said, "anyways welcome."

"Thanks little one." Zachary smiled.

"Don't call me that." Axel scoffed and chuckled while leaving our table.

"He damn acts like you." Zachary said while looking at me, "and you both look damn similar. Except for the eyes of course."

"We get that a lot." I say while making a parfait. Zachary seems to be inspecting my lunch, "I didn't think you were that kind of person that makes parfaits."

"Just because I'm dull doesn't mean my food has to be." I say while putting granola and mixing. He gave me a smile.

"You awfully smile a lot."

"You make me smile for unknown reasons."

"I should be making you feel awkward and less than what you're worth. That's my kind of personality."

"That's a little harsh."

"And why do you say that?" I asked while putting my hands under my chin, "are you not used to dully cold personalities?"

"You're... Hmm.." He said looking down and thinking of the words to describe me, "you're odd."

So much thinking for such a basic word

"Why yes, yes I am. Tell me something I don't know."

"To be honest, I'm not used to these kind of personality. Girls are supposed to be cheerful and girly but here you are defying logic."

"Is that so?" I say while making an airplane out of my napkin, "then I may not be a girl."

The lunch bell then rang and we all threw our plates away.

Damn. So much for nothing. I couldn't even finish my parfait.

Zachary walked by my side as we headed to world history (or social studies).

"I like being by your side you know?" Said Zachary while walking.

"Stop flirting. It doesn't work on me." I said while walking. He laughed and followed me around like a lost puppy towards my class.

"I hate the hallways" I said while dodging and going through some people.

Zachary followed with a bit of struggle, "they're so packed!!!"

"Welcome to high school" I say, "where you see couples making out everywhere."

He stuck out his tongue in disgust and I gave a small laugh. He then smiled proudly, "I made you laugh!"

My smile then turned emotionless, "and it's gone."

He patted my head while heading inside with me into the class.

When class soon got filled, Zachary was introduced like always and the lesson soon began. The rest of the day consisted that way. I was dying to get out.

The final bell rang and everybody shot themselves out the classrooms.

"See you tomorrow Venus" said Zachary leaving down the stairs and out the school.

"Yeah see ya" I say leaving to the 9th grade hall. Axel was barely coming out of his classroom, joking around with his friends and laughing.

"Axel c'mon. You can talk to them through Xbox or whatever." I said waiting for him. He farewelled his friends and headed with me out the door.

We walked outside into the crisp cool air. I grabbed the keys to my car when I glanced at Zachary smoking while walking out the school gates.

"Wow he smokes?" Said Axel, "not even you do that."

"I kill" I murmur while walking to my car with Axel. We both got inside and I started to drive. I then stopped the car while waiting for the gates to open when Axel rolls down his passenger window, "AYE ZACHARY!" He screamed.

I immediately looked at Axel, "Axel sit the fuck down!"

"What's up Axel!" Said Zachary.

"WANNA A RIDE HOME?!" He screamed. I then sat Axel back down and Zachary laughed, "I'm good Axel thank you. See you tomorrow Venus!"

I wave and immediately roll up the window and leave. Axel laughed and I sighed, "are you fucking stupid or something?! You can't be doing those things Axel."

"I have a ship name for you both." Axel smiled wickedly.

I rolled my eyes, "whatever Axel. You're on crack."

"I actually do! You wanna hear it?"

I am a little curious...

"Fine go ahead."


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