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Vilayna's POV

Not long after me and Jeff fell out,we arrived in South America.

John smith strolled into the cabin to see if I was still alive.His smile broadened when he saw me breathing and functioning properly;Luckily after weeks in a prison cell I still hadn't gone mad.Hurrah!

"We're here!"He beamed at me and Jeff.Then returned his gaze to me."You my dear will make me a very fine amount of money."He opened the door to my cell and entered.

Kneeling in front of me his smile just seemed to be getting wider.I blinked to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.He looked at me closely for a moment.
"You look well."

Yeah right.Since I was surviving on one small meal a day I had lost a considerable amount of weight in one month which was how long the journey had taken.

They didn't have any mirrors in the prison cell so I couldn't see myself and I hadn't showered in well...just over a month.

I stank.I was so glad my period hadn't started...yet...

I was beginning to get worried until John smith told us we'd arrived.I mean if my bleeding vagina had gone off then would they have just let me...

I shuddered at the thought.I was very fond of hygiene and couldn't stand being dirty especially during my period.

"Well considering the fabulous care I've had."I said back to him sarcastically.

He was taken aback because I replied to him in English.He looked to Jeff who looked down under his masters gaze."You and Jeff have been talking I see."

I nodded.Well,we were talking...

He turned to Jeff."You taught her English?"Jeff nodded."Excellent you just raised her value."He grinned at both of us.
I was led out of the ship by a white man.I was the last slave to be taken out.I was then lined in front of hundreds of other slaves.

John smith stood at the front facing us with Jeff next to him.

"Welcome to America!"He cried and Jeff translated what he said into ten different languages."Forget your motherland because you will never see her again!Nor will you ever see your loved ones or relatives.The life that you had is gone and you can never get it back!"There was a loud outcry of anxiety and sorrow from the crowd of people behind me.

I turned around to see both women and men wailing and weeping together.Expressing their loss and sorrow.Some people tried to fight and run away but were punched and kicked back into place.

One man broke free off his hand cuffs and ran into the sea trying to swim back home.The white people laughed at him as he frantically swam away from them.After he had travelled quite some distance he stopped looking around him desperately in search for home.The white mens' laughter increased.

"Fool!"One grey haired man said,"You will never get back home."He drastically pulled a gun out of his jacket and shot the slave in the water twice.I watched as blood leaked out of his body and his body lay afloat of the water.

There was an uproar from the crowd as people tried to struggle and run away.There was havoc everywhere I looked until...


John smith had shot into the air twice and there was order again."Now that we know what happens if we try to run away...we can move on now."Jeff translated this to everyone."I expect total order on our way to the auctions,anyone who does not know their place will be flogged or killed.One less of you swines to worry about."He sneered at us.

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