The First Time-Travelling Train

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Flashback, Time Before Huey's departure to 2035:

"Alright, are the Tracks all clear?" Adrian asks the Guards of the Metro Rail.

"Yes. All clear from 2 stations!" The Guards said to Adrian.


Adrian Enters the newly refurbished train with all the necessary components for it to Time Travel

"Chloe, Check the Thrusters." Adrian said to Chloe via the onboard microphone

"All Systems good, Thrusters are ready to go!" Chloe said to Adrian via Adrian's Added Microphone.

"Alright! Set the Time to March 7th, 2045! We needed more components that isn't available yet today."

"The time is set, and we are ready to go!" Chloe said.

Chloe activated the Thrusters, which is an Electric Starter version of ME270 booster, which makes the train go forward.

"We are at 25 MPH!" Chloe said to Adrian.

"If this thing works, I will have the hover conversion."

"It reaches 40! Halfway there!" Chloe said while monitoring the Speed Meter.

"Come on... We've passed The first station" Adrian said, worried.

"60 Miles per Hour! Almost there" Chloe said to Adrian.

The Train wheels screech and fire trails starting to form, as Friction creates heat.

"This is not Enough, but WE WILL PUSH THROUGH"

"Eighty Miles per hour!"

The Train passed the 2nd Station"

"86... 87... 88!!!" Chloe happily said to Adrian.

In the outside world, the Train vanishes into thin air, leaving the fire trails benind, and the Guards were questioned about this.

"What is that Thing? A disappearing train?"


It is 2045, and Adrian tries to stop the train before hitting a Japanese-Type Metro Train, looks like a bullet train, but compatible with the tracks of the Old Tatra Train. A hybrid for a simplier description.

"Chloe, I think the brakes are broken... Can you verify? I think we are about to hit a future MRT"

Little did Adrian know, Chloe Pulls the emergency brakes without any instructions to Adrian, that makes Adrian nearly tossed to the dashboard of the train.

"Chloe, I only said Check the brakes, not to toss me and my favorite tea to our instruments... Luckily my Darjeeling Tea did not spill." Adrian Reminded Chloe.

"Sorry, But I don't want to hit by a train... Or Japanese made one... Wait, you have Darjeeling!? Y-Your-"

"It's just a tea, Chloe, You are my version of Darjeeling."

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