The Magic Begins

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        The room was still pitch black so getting to the door had been a real task. There were to small, stuffed hands yanking on mine.

        "I'm coming, I'm coming."

        "Alice, we will have all sorts of fun. Don't you think so!?"

        This rabbit is the best friend that I have so I only had one choice of an answer, "Yes."

        We perambulated right out of room 215 of the psychiatric ward and right down the hall. I'm guessing that it's pretty late because there were no nurses around at all. There was even old Ms. Loretta,my nurse who is most of the time sitting with the secretary. Sometimes I'm more scared of her than I am of "wonderland". She's the one who sends me there. I scream and scream but she never listens, and then, it's too late. I'm gone.

        "Now Alice, how do you propose that we get to Wonderland?"

        "Isn't that your job Mr. Rabbit?"

        "Well yes and no. We could take the long way, or we could take the fun way."

        This was a decision. It may not seem like much, but I had been down the long way, safe and sound, well not really because what lay at the bottom wasn't to safe or sound, but the fun way, the fun way I could guarantee was not fun in any way. Mr. Rabbit used the word fun in place of horrible or terrifying to make it seem better than it was. But you never know, it could be fun.

        "Okay Alice that's enough debating, which way shall we choose."

        "I think that the..."

        "The fun way it is."

        "Shoot...." This was going to be everything that fun wasn't, "Mr. Rabbit, how about this time we go the long way, I mean who doesn't like a cruise down memory lane?"

        "Me. Now let's go"

        We were in the middle of the hallway and Mr. Rabbit threw down a ball that was glowing with the color red. Before I knew it, a portal to "wonderland" had opened up right under my feet. I had no choice but to slip into the hole because before I could even consder staying on the hospital floor, I was falling down a hole. Not just any hole, a rabbit hole. I sealed my eyes shut but nothing helped for when I closed my eyes I was no longer in the rabbit hole falling, but in a castle.

        "MR. RABBIT!" Screaming was not an easy task in the Red Queen's castle for it was guarded by towering beasts that were shaped like cards, only they weren't. I was completely aware of the Queen's ways. She had killed men, and brought them back as card beasts. She had been taught in magic by her sister who studied witchery. Mr. Rabbit revealed this blodcurdling fact to me.

        "Alice oh Aliceeee." It was Mr. Rabbit's voice. Why had he taken me here? He knows that I absolutely loathe this castle. Why, why would he do such a thing? My only friend....

        I had to hide somewhere he would be searching for me. I couldn't stand to see him right now. How am I supposed to trust a stuffed rabbit who betrays me?

        "Aliceeeee," His voice just getting creepier by the minute.

        I dashed. I knew my way aroun the castle decently enough to most likely find my way out...okay maybe not.

        I opened a door to a room filled with cards. Lots and lots of cards.

        "Aliceeee. Don't you want to play," His voice getting closer and closer. I couldn't go anywhere now, it was way too late for that. I grabbed a chair and stuck in under the doorknob to keep anyone from coming in. 

        "Well, might as well make myself at home." 

        One question has been lingering in my mind since I entered this bothersome room, what is this? What is this room used for? Could this be the room where men are slatered and stuffed into cards? If it is then it will be a very uneasy sleep tonight. 

        I close my eyes and finally fall asleep...

        "...Why Alice there you are."

        "Mr. Rabbit?" I couldn't see again I wasn't able to make out a figure but the voice had given it away.

        "Yes my dear. It is I. Why did you run away from me Alice?"

        "Mr. Rabbit why did you take me to the castle? You know that I can't stand that horrible woman inside."

        "HORRIBLE? WHY DON'T I JUST SLAUGHTER YOU NOW?" This was not the rabbit's voice. This was someone else's. Someone vaguely familiar. Gasp. The Queen...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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