Perfect weather for dreams and nightmares

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Pic above :The narrator, the female MC is based on a grown up version of Rin from  the anime Inuyasha.

"The wish I had met you sooner would not escape my lips because realistically, I might not have loved you had we met any earlier." I snap out of my musings when my stop was announced.

That in my last fleeting moments my greatest wishes would come true, that the pain would sweetly blend in and accentuate the happiness in my heart .

That suddenly I would find all the more reason to live and the resolve to change than I ever did in those years of mundane existence.

I thought of the cheesy lines to the tragic soap opera I had been watching recently and sighed.

"Teenagers in high school, how they love boldly with reckless abandon, youth is truly the spring of life " I thought to myself looking at high school couples on uniform dates .

The exasperation of joining society and the life of monotony and drudgery livened by a young romance with a cheerful, energetic high school boy. I stopped suddenly shocked at my horrifying train of thought earning the stares of passerby.

"Atleast I am independent and earning well," I cheered myself looking forward to the next episode of "My life is a shoujo manga".

I looked at the envelope before me and at the tense atmosphere in the room. "I'm sorry, we had no choice, please don't be upset"

Were they kidding me.

Cue my mood, it began to rain as soon as I exited the building.

I also met a weird fortuneteller who shouted , "Be warned, child, your aura spells disaster".

It was late in the night when I returned after aimlessly roaming outside.

I walked swiftly down the road with my eyes fixated on the pavement, when suddenly I heard the weird grating sounds and piercing screams from a dark alley.

I peeped and saw something I shouldn't have and worse, they noticed and came after me.

I tried running as fast as I could but as luck would have it the distance between me and my pursuers was growing less and less.

I felt the smell of chloroform and my legs gave away as I struggled in vain to keep my eyes open.

I woke up to see a cluster of rough looking men heatedly gazing at me.

My heart buzzed in my ear as I clenched my hands to my chest to make it stop.

"Move out of the way idiots, you are scaring the lady" a deep baritone echoed off the low walls of the room that held me captive.

And then I saw him, his gaze was that of a predator at the top of the food chain as he drew nearer his eyes fixed on me.

Pic above : The person who Nora, our MC just encountered

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Pic above : The person who Nora, our MC just encountered. Based on Sesshomaru from the anime Inuyasha.

You shall be my woman, you have seen something you shouldn't have.

Be grateful that your life is spared.

I was upset, not only I had lost my job but I had to warm the bed of a gangster, there was no way I would let my pride be reduced.

Mustering up the bit of strength I had left, I sat up and spat " Even if the body is shackled, the spirit is free,"

Unfazed, he grinned apparently liking the challenge. "I didn't know you liked bondage," he whispered as he chuckled and left the room followed by his henchmen.

I pinched my arm hoping to wake up from the nightmare I found myself in.

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