Long Distance

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The sound of the lock clicking shut calmed my nerves. Leaning against door's wooden frame I let out a sigh of relief. My house mates had left and I finally had the house to myself.

Rushing to my bedroom I locked that door too for good measure. They went to a wedding so I wasn't expecting them anytime soon, still I didn't want to take any chances.

I had to fake a headache just so I could stay behind; The three of them could be really pushy when they put their mind to it.

Today was a special day and not just becauseause one of our mutual friends was getting married.

I already had plans, but if I had told them that they would press for details and annoy me to no end.

I'd been preparing this for a while now and I wasn't going to let them ruin it. I love my housemates. I do, honestly, but sometimes they hover.

Anytime they find me calling David they try to be a part of the conversation. Granted he was friends with them first, but I am his girlfriend after all.

I squatting beside my bed I reached out for the shopping bag I hid underneath it. If I had put it in the closet Jessica would have found it since we share it. And she can't keep a secret to save her life.

Sitting on my bed I took out the items one by one.

The lingerie set made my cheeks warm. Lingerie was a first for me, but I wanted to surprise David and everything had to be special for him.

Our relationship had been tense lately, with David in stuck in Japan and me in Abuja it's been difficult staying connected. It's been two long months since he left and we have another month ahead of us.

Sure he sends me selfies and shares stories from his day, but all I can think of is how much I miss his lips on mine.

We tried the whole nudes thing, but it feels so clinical when he's not here with me, watching me.

One by one I removed what I was wearing until I was completely bare. Standing in my room naked my nipples hardened as I took a deep breath and put my feet into the panties.

Slidding the fabric up my thighs I felt my confidence rising. Once it was sung on my hips, I checked out my butt in the mirror. I looked positively scandalous and that only excited me more.

I hurriedly put on the bra and garter. I styled my hair down because David liked it when I wear it that way. Finally, I did my make up going for a full dark seductive look.

Staring at the finished work in the mirror I couldn't believe the transformation.

Bursting with excitement I wore the heels and stroke a pose. I was so entranced in my solo fashion show that the sound of my alarm startled me.

Grabbing the phone I quickly turned it off. I had told David I wanted to video call him before hand and we set a time that was convenient for both of us.

I set an alarm for five minutes before the scheduled time just so I could build my confidence.

I felt a sudden wave of nervousness as the time drew nearer. Taking a deep breath I put on a robe to cover the surprise underneath. David was already online so I pressed the call icon.

As it rang my heart beat faster, I mean we had sent each other nudes other before, but this was a whole new level. What if he thinks I'm a sex crazed weirdo? OMG Am I a sex crazed weirdo? How will he react?

Suddenly his face appeared in the form of a pixelated blur. I pat down my hair and smiled so wide all my teeth were visible.

I had to lick my upper teeth because I felt a smudge of lipstick there, gosh I probably look like an awkward vampire.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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