~Sticky Fingers~

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*Author's Note*
I thought you might want to know what these characters look like, so here you go:
Noah Foster - Teo Halm
Brooklyn Thatcher- Amanda Steele
Blake Malone- Mac Harmon
Eccaia Page - Mackenzie Foy

~Graeson 14 years old~

The Griers came over every Sunday after that. Hayes and I are 14, and even better friends than ever. I went over to his house everyday after school, we even had a couple of sleepovers.

His parents and my parents became best friends as well. Our families go on road trips together, we do weekend activities, and lots of other fun things including Disney World.

Will graduated high school already and is going on to play college football. He's like my older brother, so I'm proud of him.

Nash still goes to the same school as Hayes and I. We all go to Davidson Day and ride the same bus. Nash is in 11th grade and Hayes and I are in 9th grade. We're in the same friend group which can get us in a pickle sometimes, *(AN: idek what this expression means)* but we always stick together in the end.

Hayes has had a couple of girlfriends, I have had a couple boyfriends, and it has never changed our friendship. We've never liked each other either, I guess it's because we are practically siblings, or at least we act like it. We even say "I love you," but we mean it in a friendly way.

I've changed a lot in eight years. At this age, girls are pretty much all about boys. The world revolves around boys. I've got an eye for this one guy in my grade, Noah Foster.

I've told Hayes about it, and he doesn't exactly accept of it. He has no reason not to accept of it either. He can't protect me from my feelings, but Noah is his friend, I understand why he wouldn't want me to be attracted to him. I just can't help it.

My dad is protective over me and boys, he doesn't let me go anywhere with a boy unless it's Hayes because that's the only guy he trusts. Like, really dad? Every time I try to go somewhere, it's always the same question, "Will there be boys there?"

On the bright side, he will let me go places with a guy if Hayes is there, which usually is the case. Like tonight, me, Hayes, Noah, Brooklyn, Blake, and Eccaia are meeting up tonight at the neighborhood park like almost every night.

Today is the last day of school until summer break, so I'm going to make the best of it. We don't actually learn anything on the last day, we just have parties and basically do whatever we want. Hayes is in 5 of my class periods, Brooklyn is in 4, Noah is in 2, Eccaia is in 2 and Blake is in 5. I had to deal with them all year. I get to see them all I want because we all live on the same street. They're the best friends I can ask for, and I'm proud of myself for finding such great people to have in my life.

My phone beeped, distracting me from my thoughts. I tiredly rubbed my eyes before swinging my legs over the side of my bed. I stood up and grabbed my 5S to see that both Hayes and Eccaia had texted me.

H: goodmorning sugar lumps im ready to ruin your day 😈

Well good morning to you to Hayes.

E: hi

I responded back to Eccaia with a simple waving emoji before walking into my bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

I curled my hair into perfect waves and left it down. I usually do something impressive with my hair everyday but I decided to keep it like this because I haven't done it in so long.

I don't wear a lot of make up like the girls at my school who look like they rub cake on their face. I wear a bit of eye liner and mascara. It takes me about 2 minutes to do, so it's quick in the morning.

~Fell to My Knees~ ~Hayes Grier~Where stories live. Discover now