Chapter 6 ~ "Hard"

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Daniel's hand shook violently as he looked at himself in the mirror, holding a gun to his head.

He thought of Zach. He now understood why he did what he did. Why he left him. Tears were pouring from his eyes. Was he really going to do this? He then thought of Jack. The boy he was in love with and couldn't deny it anymore. He walked over to his nightstand and grabbed a crumpled piece of paper, it was the note he wanted jack to read after he died. He had finally finished it. He held the paper tightly and squeezed his dad's gun even tighter.

"I love you Jack. And I'm sorry." He whispered. He slowly pulled the trigger. Slowly. Slow enough that when he heard a knock on the window, he he could still answer it. He hid the gun under his pillow and shoved the note into his pocket, then drew the curtain to find Jack. Of course.

"Hey buddy so I was kinda bored so I thought- What's wrong?? Why are you crying?" Jack grew worried.

"I don't think I can do this anymore. It's just too hard."

Jack furrowed his eye brows.

"Do what?" He asked, wanting to know what was bothering his best friend.

"Be a-alive. It's too much. I just- I don't think I can."

"Why?" Jack grew worried. How long had he not noticed his best friend was having suicidal thoughts?

"I love you, Daniel, you know that, right? Please tell me what's going on..."

Daniel sighed as tears pooled up in his eyes.

"I love you too. I love you a little bit too much."

Daniel's lip trembled.


"I'm in love with you! I have been since we kissed to "Experiment"! I lied, okay! And this is killing me! You hug me, cuddle with me, hold my hand, say you love me, change your clothes in front of me, I can't take this any longer! And with my family problems? It's way too much! It's just too hard."

Jack stood in shock. Daniel was in love with him? Thousands of thoughts swarmed his head, he almost didn't realize that Daniel had grabbed a gun from under his pillow.

"I need to do this, so please leave...And here..." Daniel handed him his note. "Go please."

Jack took the note, but hadn't opened it. He was more focused on making sure Daniel didn't fucking kill himself. "No! I'm not going to fucking leave you so you can kill yourself!" Jack yelled.

"Why not? I have nothing to live for! My parents fucking hate my and each other, I love in ta shitty pull-out couch, in a shitty apartment, and I'm constantly saving my brothers ass, and to top it off, I'm in love with my best friend, who doesn't love me the way I love him, so please just lea-"

Daniel was cut off. He was cut off by Jack's lips. Jack kissed him more passionately than he had ever kissed Gabbie, or anyone. Because this time, he was in love with the other person and he was just now realizing it.

He could feel his face was wet, from his tears. Their lips moved together so perfectly. So smoothly. Daniel was still shaking but he slowly stopped when Jack wrapped his arms around his neck. Daniel had so much going through his mind. But all of it was Jack, all the memories of them growing up, all the times he had stolen glances at him, everything. While kissing, Jack unwrapped one of his arms from Daniel neck, and slowly took the gun out of his hands, still kissing him passionately, Daniel was so captivated by the kiss that he didn't even notice.

Jack broke the kiss and aid the gun carefully on a small desk in Daniel's room and returned to him, resting his hands on his hips and their forehead together. "I-I'm so s-sorry..." Daniel  whispered. Jack just hugged him. "Why didn't you come to me?" Jack whispered to him. "I don't k-know." Daniel stuttered back to him. "I love you Daniel James. I just wish I could have realized you loved me before this happened... and I wish I had realized I love you too. I can't help but feel like this is all my fault." Jack's heart beat quickened. "Jack it's n-" Daniel was cut off. "It is though! How did I not see your pain? How could this shave happened? What if I hadn't come back? Would there be a bullet through your head right now?" Jack had backed away from Daniel and was doing little paces in front of him, he was panicking. "No Jack! It would have been MY fault. MY decision. Can we just look past this?" Daniel felt awful for making Jack feel this way. "OK what if we do look past this? Then what? What are we? Best friends that are in love with each other? Boyfriends?" Jack was talking to quick Daniel hardly kept up.

"Jack...I mean...Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Daniel nervously laughed. Jack hesitated. He wanted to, no doubt about it. But what would everyone at school think? Should he care though? If he had to pick between everyone at his school and Daniel, he would pick Daniel.

Jack didn't answer. All he did was walk up to Daniel once again and kiss him. Just as passionately as the last time. "Yes." Jack whispered against his lips. Then the kiss became harder, and rougher. Jack left open mouthed kisses along Daniel's jawline, and to his neck, kissing and nipping the skin. He explored his neck, until Daniel let out a tiny moan, Daniel's face heated up, thinking it was embarrassing, but Jack thought it was the most beautiful noise in the world. Jack suck harshly at the spot, and both of them knew it would leave large purple bruises, and it wasn't in a spot that would be easy to cover, but Daniel didn't care. Jack then took a breath, and moved his lips a little to the left of the spot, Daniel letting out a larger moan than the last time. Jack pressed their groins together, making Daniel whimper. The were addicted to each other and knew. Yet, neither of them had a problem with it.

~                                                                                                                                                                                               ~

"I should be happy, but I can't get out my bed."

Melanie Martinez - Recces 


Smut in next chapter! If you don't feel comfortable reading it, there will be warnings indicating when the smut begins, and when it ends.


Hard ~ Janiel ~ WDWWhere stories live. Discover now